Thursday, January 28, 2021

Snow in the Desert

I have said it before 2020 built resilient and adaptable kids.......and adults. Life feels to be changing all of the time.  We as a family have never lived "in the moment" more than we do now.  Have plans for tomorrow?  Who knows, maybe, I don't know. 

This game of dealing with coronavirus changes all of the time and we just roll with it, which brings me to that picture up there.  We switched schools for our girls. Trying to ensure that our girls get the education they need to be successful in the midst of this crazy time is a big challenge and remote learning is just not it for these girls.  Can we do it?  Yep.  But I will take any opportunity to get them back in the classroom.  So when our school decided to be out for yet another 2 weeks of remote learning, we moved them to the school across the street that is back in person (don't even ask about how that works).  Its a bummer to switch schools, but at the end of the day these girls desperately need to be with their peers, so it was a change we were willing to make.

It has not been without its challenges.  It starts EARLY for one.  We are all used to rolling out of bed at 7:15 to be in school by 8:15.  Las Sendas wants their behinds in the seat at 7:15.  So we are now full on morning people rolling hot at 6:15.  The adjustment has been hard, but now almost done with our second week we have figured it out.  

Its a wild life we are living right now.  To make it even more wild, after a year of super subpar rain and monsooning, we got SNOW in the valley this week.  Go figure.  We went from balmy 70s to cold, rainy, wet, and snowy.  We desert dwellers might be freezing, but man has it been fun!

I mean really, could my kids be any more Arizona?  Even in the snow they have shorts and sandals on.  Bob and I can't find enough layers, but they are running out in the snow like its nothing.  Oh girls.

Lily was beside herself with joy.  This girl, I am certain she is going to end up somewhere cold.  She just loves the snow and could not stop talking about it.  She wanted to call all of her friends and her Grandparents to tell them about the phenomenon.  So fun.

It is truly a rare thing to see snow fall in the desert and really makes for some fun life memories.  Life seems so full of uncertainty still and we may not know what is going to happen day to day, but there are so many special moments happening all around us.

I am deeply grateful for these 2 girls and their unbridled joy at some snowflakes. Honestly how different would all of our lives be if we could just find this kind of joy at the small blessings life offers?

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