Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Sacred 108

Yoga has truly opened a door to something special.  For the first time in my life, I am not a part of a large gym and am instead a full on yogi at a yoga studio.  I won't lie, I honestly never thought I would give up the machines, treadmills, and weight options for a yoga studio that requires no shoes and doesn't have a weight or cardio machine in site.  Man its amazing! 

I think yoga really appeals to me for 2 big reasons.  Number one....see those abs?  But 2 because it is always different and challenging.  Yoga is  never boring, and if you have experienced yoga and feel bored......find a different studio!  Yoga challenges you to move and think and breathe in different ways.  It undoes all the sitting that we do and reintroduces your body as a jungle gym, and its really fun to play with.

There is a thing in yoga affectionately known to many as the Yoga Marathon.  In the yoga world it is more gracefully labeled the Sacred 108.  It is a deeply committed practice of performing 108 sun salutations in successive order.  Tiffany opened the opportunity to attempt this practice to her studio and me along with about 8 other women completed it.

It was truly an incredible, empowering, and deeply moving experience.  It took us about 2 hours and at the end of the practice I was shaking, but deeply peaceful.  My body is incredibly strong and getting more so every day.  

The Sacred 108 was a time to reflect on all that 2020 was and renew the hope for 2021.  There are great things in store for all of us and I am deeply grateful for the chance to Inhale and Exhale through it all.

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