Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Err on the Side of Grace

Dear Lily,

Kiddo, I love you.  You are growing up into such a wonderfully fun, smart, and kind young woman.  It is such a joy to watch you grow, fall in love with Jesus, and be a light in this big world.  You are special. 

Sweet Lily, life is full of so many lessons isn't it?  Even as your Mom I still find myself learning lessons all of the time.  One of the greatest lessons that I am learning is to always err on the side of grace.  Love always wins.  Love will always drive out darkness, and if you want to teach an impactful lesson? Better start with love.

We have been through a tough 6 months.  After our house flooded, we spent a lot of time waiting, and hoping for our life to be restored.  We got your bathroom all finished and everything was done. For the past month we have been restored.  Then for whatever reason, the other night, you carved some pictures into the brand new finished vanity. 

You knew you had done something very wrong because you immediately came to me and told me.  You were honest, you were repentant.  Girl.......your integrity was AMAZING.

When I saw what had happened I was so internally angry.  It took me about a minute of wrestling with the reality of having the brand new vanity scratched and a daughter who had no explanation why to calm down and remember that LOVE always wins.  I won't lie, honey, it was hard for me to not be selfish and angry about that vanity.  It was expensive and took us so long to get it installed and finished.  BUT, stuff doesn't matter......you do.

I am so happy that you and I were able to have a wonderful conversation about sin, selfishness, and poor choices.  Sin is our default girly.  It will always be, and that is why we need a Savior.  I am SO PROUD of you for not hiding, or trying to cover your sin.  You came to me, you spoke honestly, and you accepted your consequences.

It was a learning experience for Mom too.  Figuring out the right consequences is hard and its so important for the consequences to be a teaching moment. Its important for me to instruct your heart, not just discipline your spirit.

So I had you write your Dad a 2 page letter apologizing and talking about ways to fix the vanity.  It was a lesson and discipline in letter writing, problem solving, spelling practice, and time.

And I hope that you remember it.

You are special Lily Grace, and life will be full of times where the pull of sin will be great.  But the Holy Spirit that resides in you will always be your compass. Make sure you stay tuned into it.  When you make poor choices, admit them, seek forgiveness, and do what is necessary to make it right.  LOVE always wins little girl and I am glad that you and me both got an opportunity to practice it.


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