Thursday, October 4, 2018

It All Started with a Foot

You all know now the health journey that I have been on.  I am in such a great place right now as I have limited the endurance and learned to enjoy weightlifting and crossfit style work.  I have gotten so strong both in mind and spirit and I LOVE this new direction that I have taken. I sleep better, I have more time......oh its good.  I am finally getting me back.

A month ago, I wore my barefoot shoes to Crossfit. I had been encouraged by my dear friend and Crossfit coach TJ to get some firm soled weightlifting shoes.  The day before I went to THE class, I ordered some, Prime-ed them, they were going to be there in 2 days.  But I decided one more day of class with the toe shoes wouldn't hurt anything. So I went.  We did a lot of pushing and pulling and heavy toe strain.  I had no idea I did it, but I hyper extended my big toe on my right foot. The next morning I got up and ran 6 miles.  My foot hurt, but I just chalked it up to tiredness.  That night I was in excruciating pain in the ball of my foot and the joint.

For the next week I lived in denial.  It was fine.....just run, and push through it.  I had 2 races slated for November, I couldn't be injured.  It's fine. It's fine.

But it wasn't, so much I went to the doctor. No break, but need to be in a boot for 2 weeks.  Bought the boot, wore it once and then Ellie chewed it up.  So I didn't wear it.  2 more weeks of running less, but still running.......and still pushing it.  Its not getting better.  Still in denial....don't tell anyone......its fine, its fine.  Inwardly the stress of wondering how I was ever going to run 2 half marathon distances when I couldn't even run a mile with no pain was eating me up.  It's fine, its fine.

But its not fine. I am injured, and it wasn't until I forgot my prescribed anti inflammatory meds in CO that I realized how not fine it was. I AM INJURED, and if I don't stop and get this healed I am in trouble.

So, I had to do the hardest thing I have ever done, bail from not 1 but 2 races.  I have never not done a race I have paid for.  Even saying it now makes me want to cry.  How is this happening?

I can't run, I am limited on the Crossfitting I can do, I am in a boot, and I don't know how long this is going to take.

Surprises are just getting started.

Funny how it always pours when it rains......

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