Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Newbie No Longer

Less than a year ago Bob and I watched as our Lily Grace carefully walked onto the playground at her new big kid school.  She only knew a couple of people and none of them were in her class.  I can remember her worried look as she asked me, "Mommy, how will I know what to do?"  With only a slight hesitation she walked into class that first day a brand new Kindergartener.

Last week she walked into her last day a confident 1st grader.  This smiley, confident, beautiful young lady is a newbie no longer!

Her first year in elementary school was a RAGING success thanks in a large part to this amazing, incredible, astounding, patient, kind and wonderful woman.  Gretchen Rodeffer must be a saint.  I am convinced of it.  This woman instilled in my first born a sense of wonder, awe and excitement about learning and Lily embraced her authority and leadership fully.  I am so thankful for the gentility, humility and flat out bravery Mrs. Ro showed this year.  On Lily's last day I picked her up in tears.  Why?  Because she was going to miss her teacher.  That's special.  That is telling.  That is how amazing this woman is.  Lily got a good one.

Yes, I was that mother who brought her camera and made her take pictures on her way into the school.  Miss Andrea is another one of those amazing and ever present women.  She was out at school drop off every morning.  She kept Lily safe and Lily made a friend in the process.  Another one of those amazing people who made Lily's first year feel right.  I am thankful and I know Lily is too.

This kid has a really big heart and was loved by everyone in her class.  It was a blessing to watch her find her place amongst them.  Lily and all of her friends were so excited for the final day.  It was a blast to get them together.  These are the moments where memories are made.  

This is your story Lily, and its a really good one.

Lily, you are amazing child.  You just are.  I am so proud of you and so amazed by you.  I am so glad that you smile big even with your missing teeth.  I love that you lived this year all out.  You became such a strong and independent kid this year.  You found out what it means to be trustworthy.  You learned your limits and pushed the ones you needed to.  You are ready sis.  You are ready for what's next.  You are big and brave and bold and you my dear...........are Lily Grace Longmire.  You are a world changer, a daughter of Jesus, a friend, a leader and a fresh new 1st grader.

You are a newbie no longer.  Congratulations Kiddo!  You earned it!

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