Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Journey to IRONMAN: The AZ TRI Club

I have said it before and I will say it again.  IRONMAN may be an individual's race, but TRIATHLON is a team sport.  It has to be.  There are simply too many hours spent training to spend them all with yourself.

I have never given much thought to being party of a club or racing team for 1 big reason.  I have never thought myself good enough or fast enough to be a part of an "official" club.  Triathlon is truly the great equalizer and moving away from all of my known training buddies/places has necessitated finding a team.  I need help, encouragement, support and people who are just as driven and crazy as me.  So I sought out a club.

I had heard of the AZ Tri Club from a fellow triathlete and friend, so I started there.  In the past 5 months I have slowly met countless individuals who are all part of this really awesome team.  Some are IRONMAN (some are multiple IRONMAN), some are just getting into the sport.  Some are incredibly fast (as in take the podium in their age group fast!) while others are a little more like me, content with a finishing status.  But one thing remains the same across the board.  We all know that Triathlon is a big sport and are seeking friendship, camaraderie and to be part of something greater than ourselves.  It's really cool.

Well, this past month I became an official officer of the TRI Club and have stepped in to not only being a part of a TRI club, but leading a TRI club.  No, I'm still not fast, but I am learning something really big.  It's not always about speed, but rather about heart.  People of all shapes and sizes race so we need people of all shapes and sizes to lead.

It's a really exciting time too because the Club is in somewhat of a transition status as the leadership is changing and we are ending one year and starting a new one.  We are working on sponsors and race calendars, social events and training plans.

Me and the VP of our club, Bridgit, had the great opportunity to take part in an Xterra Trail Race last minute this past weekend.  As a sponsor they needed some leaders to show up and race.  We were only too happy!

It's a great feeling to be part of something bigger than me, but moving towards the same goal.  It's nice to have a buddy (or several buddies) to swim open water at 530AM.  I love the spirit of the Club and look forward to wearing my AZ TRI Club gear when I cross the IRONMAN line.

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