Monday, October 7, 2013

From Buds to Blooms

I'm gonna take a moment here and just say unequivocally that the Lord has blessed me with the most amazing and empowering friendships.  I firmly believe that life would be so empty without my amazing girlfriends.  I'm sure many of you can agree, friendships are simply the icing on the cake of life.

These past few months have been challenging just trying to adjust to a new little one in the house while learning how to parent a very strong toddler.  Let me tell you, it hasn't all been satisfying.  I love my children, I love my life and there is no part of it that I would change, but lets face it, its hard.  Especially because I don't just want to do motherhood, I want to excel at it!

My dear friend Grace and I are in the same boat.  Strong toddlers and new babies.  Even though we are far apart, when we are able to have a conversation our mothering has a lot of similarities.  I treasure Grace, because she listens, laughs, cries and encourages.  All without judgement and all with a "yeah, I haven't just been there, I AM there," spirit.  I am just blessed by her.

The other day I received a bouquet of unopened lilies.  It was a bouquet of buds waiting anxiously to open.  In the box I found this little note:

Just a sweet gesture from a dear sister who gets it.  It made me cry.  Grace sent me the buds so that I would see them bloom and they did.  My lilies literally burst into exquisitely beautiful flowers.

 Sometimes in the trenches its hard to remember that these little buds of ours will one day be beautiful blooms.   That the moments of frustration and the endless days of discipline are leading to beautiful women.

Thank you dear friend for reminding me that some of the most beautiful things are worth waiting for.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO glad you have enjoyed them! The Lord laid you on my heart that day and I just wish I could have been there to deliver them in person. Love you.
