Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What Child is This

Yesterday was a special day.  A very, very special day.  One that we have been looking forward to for a couple of months now.  We got to see our second little miracle baby, in the ultrasound flesh.  Due to some insurance issues, we did not schedule any pre natal appointments until yesterday.  I have used December 10th as a beacon of hope during this seemingly unyielding time of sickness.  When I woke up in the morning I instantly had this, "YEAH, it's here!" moment.

Truthfully, I had this funny dream that I was going to go to the doctor and they were going to tell me I had a phantom pregnancy and that there was no baby in there.  The nausea was all going to have been for naught.  I know, it's crazy........welcome to pregnancy.  Bob of course, was super worried that Lily's prediction of "brother, sister, two babies" might actually be true.  Thankfully within 2 minutes of being called back we had the confirmation that yes indeed, there is a baby in there and it is only 1.  AHH, sigh of relief and joy.  God is good.

The baby is in great health and all of its little measurements look good. He (I think its a boy) was kicking, holding hands and moving like crazy.  The baby is measuring about a week further along than I thought I was so the doctor changed my due date to June 14th, 2013.  I gained a whole week of pregnancy in 3 seconds.  Whoo Hoo.  

God is good and we are excited to keep growing!

1 comment:

  1. Love this little one already! I'm thinking boy too! So excited that you finally got to see this blessing on the screen and that all looks well! Hurray for gaining a week! Same thing happened to us! Love it!
