Saturday, January 28, 2012

And We're WALKIN'

Yes, its oficial, Lily Grace took her first "help" free steps the other night.

As a woman I always thought about that moment when my little baby would take his/her first steps. Where would I be? What would I be doing? Well Bob and I were in the kitchen and she took her first steps (about 2) to her Daddy without holding on! What a moment! Those first steps will be the first of many, after all, we are just sure that she might be a marathoner!

It has been quite a week. On top of an already bum knee, I managed to get horribly sick. Oh the sneezing, oh the snottiness, oh the headaches and nausea and stuffiness. Is the whole world against me? Thankfully it has been a fairly low key week and I have had many hours at home.

Days with Lily are just so special. When we aren't practicing our animal noises, we are doing everything else.

Lily is in a time of testing boundaries and as she starts walking and grows bigger her world opens up and new boundaries have to be set. The newest one is her rocking chair. She desperately wants to stand on this chair, and is having a hard time with the "on your bottom only." boundary. The other day we had to have two spankings for crossing that line. I love, though, that she gets it because 2 hours later I walked back in her room to find her sitting on her little bum rocking away.

Good Girl Lily! She really is a precious little lady. I see so much strength and determination in her and I love that the Lord gave her those qualities. I can simply not wait to see how the Lord uses her! As long as Bob and I can curb that determination and keep her grounded.

She is also becoming such an independent young lady and is so creative with her playtime. I was cooking in the kitchen the other night and left Lily in the living room. I heard a little rustling and came around the corner to discover this little set up. There she was just reading her book (our Longmire News Blog) in her little bucket office. So Cute!

Both of the babies have discovered the outside and just love standing at the windows. We had the windows open the other day and they were both pointing and talking at everything going on outside.

We have had to limit their exhuberance because they desperately try to literally crawl out the windows. They are small enough now, but in a few months it will not be a safe practice. So hard for the babies to be limited to just standing and pointing.

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