Friday, May 19, 2023

YTT 200

Nearly 4 months ago I embarked on my yoga teaching journey.  Its been a great many years in coming, and the time was finally right for me to take on my YTT200 hour certification.  Yoga has become such a part of me and such a joyful lifestyle to embody.   

I waited for so long to commit to this training for one really big reason.  My mind had to be right.  Yoga is probably one of the most selfless lifestyles.  As  a Jesus follower who has spent much of my life learning to embody the idea of grace and agape, the yoga lifestyle created a fertile ground for me to really begin to fully understand the depth of love one can extend outward and inward regardless of circumstances, race, creed, or gender.  Yoga however, for many years has been a way for me to stroke my pride and prove just how strong I am.  Not the best grounds for teaching inner stillness and outer grace.  So I waited.

To say that I was in the perfect place for this training would be very arrogant, but what I knew is that my mind and my heart were ready.  After 6 months of prep and waiting, the time came and I jumped into the process with full abandon. Taking my limited knowledge of yoga philosophy and deepening my understanding of the 8 limbs, the goal of union, and the understanding of inner peace lit something in me and I LOVED every part of this training.

I intentionally didn't spend a lot of my time documenting every lesson learned and enlightenment found because the time of study, learning, and looking inward needed to be mine.  In yoga tradition we talk about stillness, tamas, as being that place of quieting and stilling intentionally, that place of acknowledgment and awareness without the need for movement or accolade.  It was a good place for me and so I sat in it and embraced it.

What I found during this journey is that my dharma (purpose) is to build, empower, encourage, and grow.  I love to teach yoga, I love to challenge through yoga, I love to share wisdom from my own life, my own faith, and my own yoga journey.  I LOVE IT.

Angie, Kim A, Kim B, Maranda, Jean, Ruthie, and I all started together and we all successfully finished our YTT training.  Before our final teach outs we all took part in a beautiful HAPE and ICE Bath ceremony.  It was so amazing to let go, let in, and embrace all that we had been through, all that we have left to learn, and all that we accomplished.  There is power in women, add yoga and we become unstoppable.  Such a gift.

The art of teaching yoga means that you are always a student first.  Like faith, it grows, but only as long as you are willing to do the work of learning, examining, letting go of old beliefs to make way for new life.  After all, that is the gospel, the Good News that Jesus brought.  All is made new.  I did my final teach out and became an official Yoga Teacher on May 19th, 2023.  My family, my yoga friends, and these precious Crossfit friends came to support me.  It was a night I will never ever forget.

I am now officially a yoga teacher at Exhale Yoga and my heart is so excited for this new space.  I cannot wait to grow in knowledge, practice, teaching, and sharing.  You are always welcome with me.  The joy of yoga is something I will spend my life sharing and I am looking forward to next Spring when I continue with my 300 hour certification.  

All the Light in me loves All the light in you!

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