Saturday, December 31, 2022

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Christmas season came and went in a haze of work, things to do, helping Memaw deal with Cancer, and school.  I won't lie, I kind of missed Christmas this year.  The month of December was overly busy and constant and I didn't even get all of my Christmas decorations up.  In all honesty, I know that this is the season of life we are in, however, I hope I don't have many more Christmases as busy as this one was.

I had the wonderful privilege of leading worship at our church's women's event and one of the songs we sang was "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus."  Its been a very meaningful song to me this year.  Life is oppressive sometimes, we long for liberation, for a ticket "off the train," and Jesus' coming all those years ago is that very freedom. 

"From our fears and sins.....release us.  Let us find our rest in Thee!

Come Thou long expected KING!"

We came home from Thanksgiving in the mountains with so much Christmas expectation.  Evie loves to help with lights and wasted no time in donning her Santa hat and getting to work.

Speaking of lights.  Anyone else despise the stranded Christmas lights?  We purchased a bunch of lights last year only to find them not working this year.  Fantastic, so all of our decorating got put on hold until we purchased a long strand of LED lights for our tree.  We did finally get them and were able to put them up before Bob and I had to leave on a business trip.  Goodness.

One of our absolute favorite things during the holiday season is our Church's lights display and event.  We took Grandma and Grandpa one evening and thoroughly enjoyed our hayride through all of the lights and the cookies at the end. I am so grateful that our church does this every year.  Its such a fun event and really calls to mind the reason for the season.

We got a wonderful advent calendar this year and had a blast marching the star closer to the earth block and reading all of the stories in between.

Bob and I got introduced to cold plunging and I spent the month moving between Crossfit, Yoga, and our neighbors pool.  Its cold, no doubt, but a wonderful experience and so great on the body. Its also really challenging for the mind which simply reinforces, WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!

Ellie became one with the slopey couch as she does every year, but this year during some of the chilliest days I found her snuggled with blankets.  Sure I covered her, but the little thing also didn't leave.  Life of luxury for this pup. She's so special. 

Lily got a 3D printer from Grandma and Grandpa Longmire.  I am really looking forward to seeing what she will create.  I am seriously hoping she will make earrings and such.  She would have a built in client right here.

Our dear friend Jenna came into town for a super quick trip and we were so glad to be able to connect with her for minute.  Jenna is such a dear friend and we are so grateful for her presence in our life.

The girls and I had a girls only sleep over with the Allens and it was such a wonderful time to connect.  These guys have been travelling the country and we miss them.  So looking forward to visiting Costa Rica this summer with them.

We spent Christmas Eve and a few days after up in the mountains with Memaw and Papa.  It was so lovely to connect with new friends up there and have spend Christmas Eve with the Robbins following our Christmas Eve service. I love meeting more and more of my parents people up in the mountains.  The layers of relationships spanning years is something truly wonderful.

Christmas was so lovely and we just spent the day enjoying the beautiful weather, doing yoga, opening presents, playing nintendo, and learning Rummikub.

Oh all that and ATVing.  What a fun time we had.

The big hit this year was Memaw and Papas ATV. The girls absolutely love being able to drive it and thing they are Speedy Gonzalez.  One day I attempted to back the thing into the shed with the trailer attached and realized that I am whoefully inadequate at trailer backing.   So I put my big girl pants on, asked Bob for some direction, and spent an afternoon learning how to back a vehicle with a trailer.  Then I made Evie learn......since she REALLY loves it.  Good skills to have I say!

Christmas time is all about rest and the chilly mountains are the perfect spot for it. 

I found an awesome Crossfit gym and the girls got to spend an afternoon at the pool one day.

Evie got a Crunch Lab box for Christmas so a big highlight was building a disc shooter one day.  Even Papa got in on the action.

We had such a lovely time in the mountains and made some great memories.

Including a stop in Forest Lakes for a swim in the snow.  I stayed right in the car, but the girls got as cold and as wet as they possibly could.

Once down from the mountains we finished the year with Avatar: the Way of Water and a wonderful simple New Years Eve get together with a few of our favorites.  I am grateful for the people we know and the community we have.

Lily was shocked that I made it until well after midnight.  You know.....I was shocked too!

So Long 2022!


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