Wednesday, January 25, 2023


One of the things I love to do with my girls every year is take them out to Colorado to see Sarah, Caleb, and Elijah.  We love to take this little girls trip and usually find snow, fun, and Great Wolf Lodge.

Colorado was chilly and snowy and perfect for these Arizona dwellers. We discovered really quickly that our shoes were inadequate for the wet that is Colorado snow, but the kids had a blast.

We explored Red Rocks one evening for a photo session and spent a lot of time playing Roblox, and catching up with each other.

One afternoon we discovered this amazing park called Slick City.  An entire warehouse full of slides.  The kids had an absolute blast and it was so much fun to watch them.

Icees and pretzel bites topped off the day.

Unfortunately one of Sarah's sweet dogs, who had been sick for a couple of days, was in a lot of trouble when we got home.  Sweet Alpine had a series of awful health issues converge all at once and the sweet boy had to be put down.  It was so sad, surprising, and traumatic.  Im just so grateful that we were around and able to support our friends.

It was a late night for all of us and the next day Evie slept till 9.  I was shocked!

We took all the kids to Great Wolf Lodge to help heal the hearts and had a great time riding all of the slides, doing the ropes course, sleeping in a hotel, and eating pizza.

It truly is a small world too.  I ran into this lovely lady who I haven't seen since college years.  This woman, Jessi, is a powerhouse, a deep woman of Christ, and one of those amazing humans you are just really glad to know.  Super delighted to have had this chance encounter.

The time in Colorado is always full of fun and memory making.

We said goodbye to Alpine's brother, Glacier, set out on our train and headed home.  

Grateful for these times and for the adventures with my girls.

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