Wednesday, December 1, 2021

This is 39 and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was extra special this year because my birthday fell on the very day itself!  I am a Thanksgiving baby and only on so many occasions does the date and day match up perfectly to eat pie and cake!  

I am 39 this year.  Feeling strong, powerful, confident, and finally at peace in my body and mind. I have heard that your late 30s and early 40s are likened to the liberation years.  Those years when you finally lay down all the trying to measure up to other's standards and just find comfort in your body, and take up your space.  I'm there.  I have arrived.  I am so excited to savor this final year in my 30s and no, I won't stay 39 forever. I like the idea of moving into a new decade and embracing what's next. 

I hosted Thanksgiving again this year and it was wonderful to have my Memaw, Papa, Grandma Jill, Grandpa Steve, and Aunt Linda here for it.  Many hands make for light work and Thanksgiving was full of delicious food, family, and fun.

I enjoyed a birthday yoga class and then came home to cinnamon rolls and homemade gifts from my girls.  My Momma bought me the long awaited NEW Outlander book (which I am going to have to wait until next year to get), and my girls made me many beautiful homemade gifts including Christmas earrings and a Christmas crown. Everything about the day brought me a lot of joy.  

This year Bob and I borrowed our neighbor's smoker and smoked a Turkey.  Let me just say, I am a believer.  It was amazing and I don't know if I can ever go back to an oven baked turkey.  The smoker was so simple and so delicious.

There is just nothing better than a day of food, pie, park, and being thankful.  I am so grateful that all of these people that I love the most were here with us.

The day after Thanksgiving found us all at our church's Flip the Switch event.  Every year our church puts on an amazing lights display and we were there for cookies, hot chocolate and the official moment of delight.  Our girls met up with all of their friends and the rest of us enjoyed time seeing the lights, reading the stories, and filling our Christmas cup up!

I love celebrating this time of year.  There is so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to!

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