Friday, February 26, 2021

Pacing Dream Team

"You win only when you help others win."

Last year Bob had the opportunity to be pacer for a group of friends tackling the Black Canyon 100k.  He had such a great time doing it that when my girlfriend Bridgit asked if I wanted to pace for her this year I jumped all over it!  Last year Bridgit had horrible stomach problems (sometimes the plight of the ultra runner) and had to drop out of her race early.  It was such a bummer for her and I was so excited to help her get across that finish this year.

For those wondering (and possibly googling the math) yes, it is 62.2 miles of running, on trails, sometimes in the dark, over rocks......ALL DAY.  Its big and can be brutal, but an ultra runner's average weekend.  Seriously we know people who do multiple events like this every year.  

Bridgit and Chelsie trained together so it worked perfectly that Bob and I paced for them.  With COVID, we were only allowed at the last large aid station leaving 11 or so miles to do.  We had hoped to be able to pace the last 25 for them, but safety and caution prevailed.

We met our fearless Crew Leader Jamie and she drove us up to the aid station right as the sun was setting.  So gorgeous.  We were gifted these incredible hand painted hats by one of the runners (Heidi Garner) who is a master artist and ultra runner.  She literally made special hats for runners, crew, and pacers in our little group.  Such a cool thing.

We were able to track the girls reasonably well and were early to our meeting spot.  I was worried about cold, rain, and wind while we were waiting, but Jamie came prepared.  I mean we had blankets, hand warmers, snacks, and a wind shield.  

Our runners pulled in at 8pm and 8:40 respectively.  Both of them, although tired still looked awesome.  Bob and Chelsie took off a bit after 8 and Bridgit and I got on the trail a bit before 9.  It was fully dark, mildly raining, and chilly, but so exciting.

Pacing Bridgit was AMAZING.  I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.  First, helping your friend achieve a BIG goal is incredible, but there is something so empowering and fun about running in the desert, in the dark, with only your light.  The whole world and time kind of disappear.  (I can say that because my feet weren't on fire at this point).

Bridgit and I crossed the finish line right around 12:30AM and it was so great to turn to her and say, "You did it, friend."

It was truly a gift helping these 2 get to the finish.  Both Bob and I crawled into bed at 2AM feeling so happy and looking forward to the next pacing event.

We had a couple people ask us if we would ever do the full 100k race.  I know better than to say never, but the above picture should tell you all you need to know.  And we only did 11 miles! 

I think Ill stay team pacer for a while! Apparently both of us Longmires turn into pumpkins if we stay up past 10.

Congratulations to all the runners who did the thing and have the belt buckles!  We mere mortals are just thrilled to have shared a few miles with you!

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