Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Quarantined Together

Dear Lily and Evie,

It's weird out there girls.  In a matter of 2 weeks, our lives have changed dramatically in light of  the Corona virus.  Never in my life did I ever think that 2020 Pandemic was going to be a part of your story.

But it is.

The same way your Daddy and I lived through the terror that was 9/11, you are living through this.  Its weird, its rough, its hard, and its scary.  People are dying. We are doing things we never planned to do.  You are homeschooled now.  We spend most of our days indoors.  We turn down seeing people.  We live 6 feet apart from those we love.  We don't travel. We live solely in the moment. Everything that has become a part of our life is changed.  And it keeps changing.

You are okay.
You are safe.
You are loved.

I wish I could tell you that this will be the only upset to your life, but I can't.  Life is going to be full of unplanned detours, full of things that come up and change everything.  Jesus truly is going to be the only unchanging force in your life.  I am so glad that you two know Him.  He has promised to never forsake you and girls, HE IS GOOD.

So for now we will let go of all the things we cannot control and embrace what we can.  We will turn the negative voices down and listen to the still small voice whispering, "I have not given you a spirit of fear."  And we will lean into each other.

What a special time we have been given.  All that we have lost is so small compared to what we have gained.  All the things, the striving, the busy, the planning, and the doing has been replaced by the simple, being together.  Our family gets to do life completely without distraction, we get to lean in, and girls I am loving it.

You two are amazing. While I never really wanted to be a homeschool Mom, I am really enjoying curating our day and incorporating learning. I love that we hike together, ride bikes together, play games together (how about that 4 person Mancala we got 3 years ago?).  We do crafts and create (so loving this part!) we sing, we do yoga, and we read.

Our house is clean and we are getting good at working together.  We are helping each other more, and finding ways to make our little postage stamp in this world a little more joyful.  In the midst of a global pandemic, our house is peaceful, our house shines bright.

So as we continue to embrace this new normal.  As more and more things get taken from us and we embrace staying put always remember that joy and peace in the midst of chaos is a choice.  Your attitude is everything.  And when all else fails, lean in to those around you, and trust in the One who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I love you both and am looking forward to all of the memories we will make, quarantined together in our little corner of this great big world.

Do not fear, but go in love.


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