Friday, September 13, 2019

The Art of Undersharing

So right now I am sitting in the atrium of Skyline pool while my incredibly passionate and talented 8 year old is swimming her little heart out in preparation for her first swim meet.  I have been horribly ill for the past 2 weeks, we are still neck deep in remodeling our bathroom, and we are carefully handling the logistics of being 2 travelling and working parents.  Guys we all-go-no-quit Longmires are doing life, taking names, and making memories.

During the past couple of months though I have found myself less in the sharing mode.  I don't think it is anything other than sheer busyness, and the fact that there simply isn't enough time to actually fully experience all that we are doing, let alone share it while doing so.  I have missed blogging something terrible and I have multiple blogs that just sit in the "draft" tab waiting for me to get to them.  I promise I will, but the chances that I won't post everything I once deemed important enough to write are high.  I am so grateful for this time in our life because we are just doing it.....that living thing, and for the first time in a while I have the confidence knowing that sharing every little thing simply isn't as important as living every little thing.

I am in a good place.  No......a really good place.  The injury to my foot changed my life and in great and immeasurably beautiful ways.  I dare say it, but I am grateful for it.  It quite literally gave me my life back all while I thought it was taking it from me.  My focus has shifted back to what is truly important and my marriage  and children are thriving.  Ill say it now and repeat it often, I am madly in love with my husband and cannot get enough of him!  Man I picked a good one.

My girls are absolutely thriving in school, swimming, karate, friendships, and life.  My kids are freaking amazing kids and even on the days when I want to duct tape them to the wall I just sit in awe of them.  Such boldness and beauty.  I am just proud.

My foot is healing slowly but beautifully and I am back in my MHPC gym.  I love Crossfit and I look forward to all the physical changes I am making.  I also find such joy in yoga at Exhale YOGA and have even found my running shoes again.

I just might be cleared to run a half marathon in early 2020.  I am ecstatic.  The injury was a long storm, but the sun is shining and the growth after the rain is huge.  I am grateful for life's storms.   When not being active I am working with Bob, doing photography, running our house, and playing chauffeur to my girlies. Mine is a good life.  A really good life.

But I am not sharing as much as I have in the past.  It's an art.  Truly, it takes a lot of intentional thought to not share everything,  after all, if nobody "likes" your happenings, did they really even happen?

YES they did, and they are special, and our life is so full of so much and frankly I am really loving just living it.

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