Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Lookin' like a Third Grader

She's in third grade guys, THIRD GRADE!  Lily Lu, my first born is growing up.  They didn't lie, it does FLY.  I would be sad but how can I be when I look at this half of my heart and see beauty, poise, confidence, hope, and excitement.  Lily is using her wings and by golly, the kid can fly!

This is a big year for her.  Already we have entered the orthodontics stage of life and Lily has a double set of expanders in her mouth.  They are aqua with sparkles and a butterfly engraved (I mean seriously this stuff is SO COOL.....with glitter.....).  Long gone are the days of the head gear and awkwardness, Lily couldn't wait to get her "retainers" and REALLY couldn't wait to show all of her friends.  3 weeks into them and we haven't lost them......WINNING!

But, for real, look at her.  Between that haircut and her expanders, and well.....her height, she looks so grown up.  OOOOF.  She currently fits in my shoes and comes easily to my chin.  I have been truly hit with the realization that Bee and I are going to be the bitties of the group.  Small in stature, big on bold.  Not Lily, no, she is fast taking after her tall, handsome, and athletic father.  Gosh the girl is going places.

Lily is in third grade this year which is on a whole new level of the school and with a fantastic teacher, Mrs. Tina Wylie.  I am so excited for her to embark on this tougher and more challenging year.  This is the first year that I will now have a child taking merit tests.  Its all real now.  Lily, of course, is most excited about her "desk buddies" where her BFF Amelia sits too and the class guinea pigs.  Its literally the 2nd day of school and I have already been asked if we can watch the class guinea pigs at home, you know, "if the teacher asks her."  Totally cool kid, but no we can't have any more permanent creatures living in our house.  I'm all tapped out keeping 2 kids, a dog, a cat, and a Bob alive!

Lily is on the Mesa Aquatics Club team this year for swimming too.  She is anxious to really dig in and get better in the pool so we are upping the game with club swimming.  She tried out and walked onto the Novice team.  They practice 3 days a week for an hour at a time.  After 2 days of swimming, and 2 days of school she asked me to go to bed tonight at 6:50.  If any of you know Lily you will understand why I nearly choked to death on my water.  Baby is working hard!  She has a set of fins, a kick board, and a drive to rival mine.  Go girly, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger......and REALLY tired!  I am excited to watch her thrive. She has so much potential........and that isn't just Mom talking.

Dear Lily, I am in awe of you.  You are incredible and such a fun young woman.  I love how are relationship is growing and changing.  I love the conversations we have about life, loving, kindness, grace, anger, and all the reasons we need Jesus.  You are learning and doing and figuring out this thing called living and I am so proud.  

Jesus has most certainly given you the gift of empathy and discernment, and I know that your heart wants to  love and care for others.  You are a leader and people want to follow you.  That is a gift, and one I want to help you cultivate.

Keep growing Lily and test those wings.  Be bold and daring, find adventure, do not live in fear, but march forward into the promises laid out for you.  I am always on your team.

Get on your way!


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