Thursday, August 8, 2019

Back to School

We do not shy away from the truth, Bob and I were 150% ready for our children to go back to school.  But, here's the down and the low.......

Our kids were more excited than us.

Lets face it, we all love each other, but we are all a wee bit tired of each other after a packed summer of near 24/7 engagement.  When you have friends to play with, all the things to learn, teacher's to meet, and parents not to be around, you can't wait to get back to school.

In fact, on the first day of school I got up, went to the gym, and left in time to be home by 7 so that I could do the whole make breakfast, pick out clothes, do hair, and get them all excited.  I walked into my house to both of the girls, up, dressed, hair combed, beds made, breakfast consumed, teeth brushed, shoes on, and back packs loaded.

"Mom, we want to go to school, can we go now?"  To which I replied, "Oh man, I wish, but school isn't even open for another 50 minutes!"

You would have thought I told them they had to stay home and clean.  We literally had poor attitudes over the fact that they had to wait an additional 50 minutes to go to school.  So after pulling their attitudes up because, come on kids, you can suffer through pictures and waiting for 50 minutes, we finally began the walk to school.

Upon arrival, Evie took off without so much as a hug, while Lily flew upstairs and we didn't even know where she was.  I finally ran into Evie who begrudgingly took a selfie with me (that was too blurry to post) and after saying "Bee, do you want me to hang with you till the bell?" told me "No Mom, me and Aunna are going to play." Ummmmm okay, Ill go find Lily then.

We headed upstairs only to find Lily out in the field running around with 4 of her closest friends.  She didn't even acknowledge us across the field. So we talked to the teacher and told her how much we appreciated her, "Good Luck" on day 1, and high tailed it home.

So yes, THIS picture was apt for our back to school morning.

Number one parenting goal, raise our girls to be bold enough to not need us.  Mom and Dad get an A++!

Its the start of a brand new school year, the time is flying, but we are living and doing and raising our girls to soar.  

Dear Jesus, go with my girls.  Be with them and give them wisdom.  Help them to be kind, compassionate, and caring ladies.  I pray this year would be filled with new, and adventure, and learning.  I pray that they would step into the adventure that awaits them with courage, conviction, and a smile.  Mold them, love them, and be the still small voice that helps them do good and love others.  They are GREAT kids, be GREAT in them. 


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