Friday, December 15, 2017

Welcome Home Ellie

When our big dog Rocky died 7 years ago, we knew we needed time.  It was sad watching him go and with a new 1 year old and moving across country looming, we just couldn't add another dog into our life.  Little did we know that we would move 3 more times and have 1 more kid.  We loved the idea of having a dog, always have, but the reality of it was simply not gonna work.  We weren't ready.

Our girls are older now and just like its supposed to happen, there is a dog shaped spot that has been slowly opening up in our family.  This Christmas it was time.  So for the past several months we have been talking about it, discussing responsibility and fully immersing ourselves and our girls in what it will look like to be a dog owner.

Then came time for getting the actual dog.  Bob and I were committed to rescuing a dog.  While its not everyone's path, we knew without question that it was ours.  So I began the arduous process of researching rescues.  I knew I wanted a foster based shelter, and I discovered that its pretty common.  I also discovered that for most of these places "rescuing" a dog is akin to adopting an actual child.  Some had extensive application processes including home visits, construction schematics (for a dog run), equipment checklists and interview requirements. You had to have so much land and your fence had to be so high.  Your kids had to be vetted and interviewed and proved "dog worthy" was laughable.  All of this......FOR A DOG!  I was kind of discouraged.  Every time I would find a pup I was interested in I wouldn't match some crazy criteria.

So I prayed about it and kept looking. Then one day I ran across the Ghost Town Rescue right here in Mesa.  I scrolled through the dogs and saw little Ellie.  She is a husky.....and a terrier.  I have always wanted a husky again, (Rocky was Husky Malmute), but huskies are notorious runners.  They are free birds,and pride themselves on escaping and roaming.  While she was beautiful I passed her up in favor for the next dog I saw which was a lab/retriever.  

I called and set an appointment simply sure we were going to fall in love with Daisy the lab.  Bob ended up having  to go out of town, but if I had learned anything it was this, good dogs go fast.  If you find one you like.......move on it.  So that is just what we did.

I was so nervous with Lily and Evie in tow, driving to the shelter.  How were we going to know if a dog was a good fit?  What if it destroyed my house?  What if it was a biter.....what if what if.

Breathe Bethany.

We walked into the shelter and right in the front lobby were about 12 dogs in of those had little Ellie in it.  I saw her, but looked past.  We were there for Daisy.  The worker brought Daisy out and she was.....BIG......and excited......and, in Lily's words, "so overwhelming."  Nope......shes not it.  We looked at another schnauzer mix.  Cute.....but not it either.  All the while Ellies white blue eyes just watched us.

It couldn't hurt to meet her right?  So the 3 of us walked to her crate, opened it, and sweet Ellie gently crawled out into my arms and licked me.  I set her down, and instantly gave the leash to Lily.  Ellie didn't pull, didn't push, just sat down, tail wagging and gently kissed both girls.  "Mommy, I love Ellie!"

That was it........people tell you that you will know when its right.  I did.  I walked to the counter and without hesitation said, she is the one.  The best part was when the owner came out and said, "Oh I am so happy for Ellie, she is one of the best, sweetest, most loving dogs in here. Everyone wants a lab, but she is the treasure."

So we brought Ellie home and I tell everyone I meet that I believe without doubt that we have hit the jackpot with this girl.  She is leash trained and has already done 4 runs with me.  Even though still a puppy, she is unbelievably gentle with the girls.  She loves affection and is willing to be snuggled.  Her belly is her favorite.  She is simply 30 pounds of the sweetest fluff.  We love her.

Ellie has found her forever home and is now a Longmire.  We are excited to adventure with her, and to watch our girls care for and love her.  Welcome Home Ellie!

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