Monday, September 25, 2017

The Boy Next Door

When we moved into our house, the Lord blessed us with AMAZING neighbors.  Kim and Lucas came into our lives at a much needed time and I cannot even begin to convey the magic that is their friendship.  God is good, He is faithful and he provides relationship.

Mr. C is a bit younger than my girls so initially there was a big play gap between everyone.  Easy going and chill, he loved following my wild ladies all around and just playing supporting role in whatever they were doing.

Well, this year things have gotten even sweeter.  As Lily has spread her wings and developed her school bonds, Miss Evie has been somewhat left in the "little kid" zone.  She can play, but only sometimes, and lets face it, when you are 7, having your 4 year old sister tag along can be rough.  

I thank God for this little boy and for the relationship that he and Evie have discovered.  They are bossom buddies and each cannot wait for a chance to run down and play with the other.

I pulled my camera out the other day while he was over and captured some moments.  Mr. C, chill, fun and ever so willing to smile sweetly for me.

Then there is this kid.....Lordy.  Getting her to be still, smile, not put anything in front of her face and look in my direction is a task only a pro can handle.  Can't you just hear it?......but Mommy I am smiling!  Good thing my camera catches fast motion!

These two are amazing friends and companions.  They have spent many an afternoons together and simply love playing together.  They sword fight one minute and play dollhouse the next.  There is nothing sweeter than a best friend......especially when its the boy next door.

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