Sunday, June 18, 2017

Lily TRIed Again!

After her raging success last year, Lily could not wait to do her second triathlon up at Dueces Wild.  When the day of her race came she was ready and anxious to get things started.   We got to the race site a little early so the girls spent some time playing in the lake before the commotion started.  It was cold, but that usually doesn't stop these kids!

After we got some of the excitement out, we headed up to transition and Bob helped Lily get her transition all set up.

I think getting the permanent marker "tattoos" are Lily's favorite part of the event.  She looks like such a big kid and I look at this picture just beaming with pride.  The kid has gumption, and I for one think she looks absolutely FABULOUS in her horse swimsuit!

Miss Bee so desperately wants to be racing.  She loves waiting in line for her number too and wore Lily's digits with a big and beaming smile!

Lily learned an INVALUABLE lesson this year and it happened at the start of the race.  Lily LOVES swimming, the swim portion is her wheelhouse (like mom), but this year, right before she was set to go she fell apart into tears and told me over and over again, "I can't do this, I can't do this.....I'm too scared."  Bob and I were totally taken by surprise and with only a couple minutes before the start  were trying to parent her through this all of a sudden fear.  She was so worked up that we could hardly get her calm enough to talk to us.  We, of course, made her follow through with the race, and thankfully Bob was able to swim next to her, but for the entire swim, she was terrified.  When the race was done it finally came out that a stupid boy told her that "there are huge snapper fish in the water that drag you under and drown you." I could have unleashed the Mama bear rage right then and there if that little boy had been around!!!!

So Lily learned the invaluable lesson that there actually are stupid boys out there who say things to scare you and that you have to learn who to trust.  OY!

But......even through all that, the kid did it!  She got out of that water and her smile came back.  

She raced up that ramp and into transition like a pro!  

Lily has become quite the bike rider this past year as she has had to ride her bike to school every day.  Its been fun to watch her become more and more of a competent rider and she showed all the confidence in the world as she headed to the bike course and mounted her ride.

Lily's course was a two loop course with some tight turns.  She handled the curves with flawlessness and found herself powering up the hills with all the gumption and bravery that I know she has in her.

She flew back into transition ready to rack her bike and get on her .5 mile run.  I love her Daddy's smile below.  He is so proud of her and it is written all over his face.

Let me tell you......Lily can run.  She is so strong here and I caught her as she ran down the ramp feeling pride welling up inside me.

I think Lily enjoyed the run the most this year especially because she ran into her friend from last year that she met.  They apparently stopped to walk for a little and then came around the corner to the finish where Lily found her speed and sprinted across the finish.

I love this picture above.  Head held high and she is literally flying above the pavement.  I showed her this picture and she smiled so big.  The pride in herself welling up.

Lily Grace finished her second triathlon with a smile on her face and quickly found herself in the ice water with a watermelon slice.

It was a bit of a rough start, but she found her strong and like we told her at the start, "You are Lily Grace Longmire......and you absolutely CAN do this!"

Way to go Lily! (and remember, there are stupid boys and nice boys.......always guard your heart)

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