Thursday, July 9, 2015

My Flowers

The simplicity of a flower.  Funny how some things speak in ways you wouldn't expect.  These Colorado Columbines were settled so peacefully in my parent's yard.  Such wild beauty.

Its funny how sometimes we  miss the small things because we are too caught up with the big things. Ironic though how one 5 minute spell spent with the small things can give you a whole new perspective on those same big things.  I know...deep.

This Summer has been so full of change and newness for our family.  I feel like I have spent much of the past 3 months in a fog of sorts.  There have been times where I have mothered in a fog and have failed to see my own little flowers and how quickly they are blooming into young women.  Then I spent a little time with these Columbines.

My perspective was refreshed and I can only sit in awe of the little beauties God gave me.  Thank you Jesus for my girls.  They are beautiful.

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