Monday, April 8, 2013

The Proverbs 31 Mother

A Mother of noble character who can find?
Her worth is far above rubies.
Her husband looks upon her in awe,
and with unyielding confidence and trust.
She does him and his children good
all the days of her life.

She carries her babes with grace and elegance
while feeding her family and caring for home.
Though tired and burdened with change,
she recognizes the needs of her husband
Her children look on her with love. 

She finds strength in the Lord when new babies take form
and she prays unceasingly for them and her others.
Her arms are strong from her life of mothering
her hands rough from planting seeds of Christ.
Her heart is mighty from dwelling outside of her.

She opens her arms to the needy 
she does not turn away from a cry for help.
She has Grace written upon her and is clothed in
humility, compassion, justice and love.
Her coverings reflect the beauty within
and even when pregnant she does not hide in shadows.

She brings her husband honor, he is respected wherever he goes.
She is known far and wide for her graceful mothering,
her quiet spirit, peaceful heart and adoration of her beloved.
Even those who she has never met
Praise her husband because of her.
He is held high at the gates.

She is not afraid to be open to her beloved
She gives herself freely to him.
She can define herself between wife and mother.
Even when her body becomes round with babes,
She remembers her body is his
and delights in it.

She is clothed with strength and dignity
and can find joy amidst the chaos of life.
She fights for her family and does not fear the seasons
She speaks with wisdom on her tongue 
and communicates faithful instruction to her children.
Her children call her blessed.

She understands her body will change as she gives life to her children
and that youthful beauty ebbs slowly away,
She embraces the change with courage and faith
Understanding that giving life to her family requires sacrifice.
She is not afraid for she knows where true beauty lies
and willingly gives of herself.

Her husband praises her:
"Many mothers do noble things, 
care for children, care for home, care for me,
but you surpass them all!"

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting,
but a mother who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Praise her and honor her for she has answered a high calling.

*All images from Briony Hope Photography*

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