Sunday, April 7, 2013

30 Weeks

Pregnancy is like a checklist of milestones!  First you have the pregnancy test, then the 12 week mark, then the big ultrasound (18 weeks), then the halfway point (20 weeks), then start of the third trimester (27 weeks), then 30 weeks (because after all you are 3 quarters down), then 36 weeks (full term), then 40, then BABY!  Each of these milestones feels like a glorious success and should be celebrated in style if you ask me!  For this milestone, my fellow pregnant friend Sarah and I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and head to the zoo!

I don't really know why, but hitting the 30 week mark has been AMAZING!  I loved turning 30 years, but this 30 week mark makes me giddy.  Sure I still have 10 more weeks, but thats the beauty, only 10 more weeks until Evie Frances will be in my arms, in the flesh.  I just cannot wait to meet her.

Evie is so active right now and so strong.  I think her little feet are in my ribs because when she kicks, I FEEL it!  Her residency resides primarily on the right side of my tummy and she is getting so big that sometimes I find my tummy very uneven.  I love it! We have one final ultrasound in 2 weeks and I am looking forward to seeing her cute little figure again!

This past week I had to take my glucose test.  Its another one of those milestones that you have to get past and the test is kind of yucky.  They make you drink an orange syrup-like drink (12 ounces of it) in 5 minutes, sit for an hour and then have your blood drawn to see if you are glucose intolerant.  Unfortunately, if you throw up the drink, or throw off the results by having any sugar or carbs in the morning you have to come back to do it again.  I still deal with daily nausea so praying that I would keep it down became a daily request.  I drank my drink and then called a friend all the while coaching myself, "Mind over matter Bethany, don't throw up."  I made it, got my blood drawn and managed to skip the toilet!  YEAH!  Two days later I got the call that I passed with flying colors!  That's my A+ blood for you!  Bob told me later, "Honey, you may not be a valedictorian in pregnancy, but you can still pass your tests!"  Amen!

As this last quarter slowly ebbs by I am focusing on enjoying ever minute of this pregnancy.  No, its still not easy, but 10 weeks is not that long before I will be chasing around 2 little doe eyed girls.  Evie will be out, in the big world with her big sister, where keeping them safe will be that much harder.

My heart will once again dwell outside of my body and now in two parts.

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