Sunday, May 16, 2010


To all my faithful followers I have been horribly lax in keeping up with this blog! I wish that I could write every week! Sadly the stories would be so similar because my life is still revolving around my stomach. Does this sick thing ever end?? I finally got prescription medicated and as long as I take my pill every six to eight hours I can dodge the toilet. I still don't feel great, but at least it is more bearable. I do have to share a story that my husband heard and thought was "legendary." At the time it was anything but legendary, however, now I just laugh. Some day this little alien invader is going to get to read all of these stories and know how much mom loved him/her. So here is the story....

I had been on my medication for about a week. Well I come to find out that the reason the medication works so well is because it slows everything, stomach, intestines etc, related way down. get where I am going with this. So here I am, not throwing up, but realizing that no bodily functions are working. AWESOME!! So in an attempt to get regular, I only take the medicine once a day and eat enough prunes, bran, apricots and fruit to make anyone super uncomfortable. After 2 days of that I still had nothing to show for it so I went off of the medication altogether. Yeah, not such a good idea.

So the medication comes two boxes of 10. Well during all of this drama we were trying to get our house all ready to list so I started throwing things away. It was a Thursday and the first day I decided to go medication free. I clearly remember throwing the empty pill box away and keeping the other half full box in my cupboard. Yeah, that is how I remember! Well that is not what the nauseous pregnant lady did. I took the trash out to my black trash can and went back inside.

Friday rolls along and there I was back visiting Sir John, not able to hold water down. So back on the medication I tried to go. Went to find it in my cupboard where I so clearly remember putting it and it was nowhere in site. Bob had left for work and here I was absolutely confused as to why I couldn't find my meds. So in the midst of another bathroom trip it dawned on me. "I bet in my pregnancy brain head I threw both of the boxes away yesterday when I took out the trash". Okay, how I got to the next part I will never know. I clearly decide, "Oh, I will just go through the trash and get my meds." Now if that wasn't bad enough, remember that I had taken it outside and it had sat in the sun for a full day! What was I thinking?? Well there I went out to the trash, opened the bin, grabbed the bag took one look in the bag and all of my crackers/nausea fighters came up over our nice new landscaping rock. Seriously, what was I thinking? At that point I decided. "I think I will just refill the script". Brilliant!

So the trash goes back in the bin and I grab the hose to clean. Come to find out the hose doesn't reach that far so I am trying to use the sprayer and look the other way. Well our sprayer is old and it was stuck on mist. Let me tell you, that wasn't going to work. So I pull on the nozzle and yep, you guessed it, break it. So here I have no stream, the water won't shut off and I am still feeling awful. Wow. Good Times. I finally gave up, went inside and called the pharmacy. Why didn't I just do that first? At this point I am thoroughly convinced that the Baby takes more than half of the mommy's IQ. I feel dumber every day. After this I had to tell someone and so who better than the offending party, Bob. Once I told the story his first response after "Legendary" was "Wow you are like a junkie digging through the trash for their next fix." Dude, so true!

The real end to this story actually occurred a couple of days later when Rocky came into our living room and threw up...ROCKS. We sat there for a day trying to figure out what had convinced him to eat landscaping rock. You all are so much smarter than us so it will come really quickly..................yep, no hose needed! Pregnancy, not for the faint at heart!

I was thinking about attaching pictures, but Bob cleaned up the Rocky mess too quickly. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it.

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