Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Birthday and other things

I think that I have figured out how to add pictures to this blog so I am going to catch everybody up on some of the events of the past few weeks or so.

First, I have to start out with our camping trip with all of out friends. Two weekends ago Bob and me, Traci, Anna and Caleb and Joan, Loren and Parker all went camping. Camping is not really what it was. It was actually RVing, but some of us roughed it by sleeping outside of the RV. We all went up to Canyon Lake which is about 30 minutes from our house. We had this great plan to go up to Flagstaff or some woodsy remote area, however, 4 days before the weekend none of us had found a location. Thanks to Joan and Loren, they suggested Canyon Lake and we were sold. So we went from remote campground to paved park with electricity and running water. Ahh Camping! We had such a blast, though!

We built a fire, ate gourmet meals cooked from Caleb's smoker, let the dogs play in the lake and cuddled in the RV when the temp dropped below 60.

Yeah I know, we Arizonans freeze at 59 degrees. It was just normal self preservation! Truthfully, the highlight of the trip was when Shep got skunked.....right in the face! Both Rocky and Shep (Anna and Caleb's dog) had to be tied up and we made them sleep outside. is the scene. Anna, Caleb, Josiah, Joan and Loren are all sleeping soundly in the RV, Traci and I are sleeping soundly in our tent and Bob and Parker are sleeping with the dogs by the fire. At about 3AM I woke up to Bob yelling "No Shep, No Shep, No...Arghhh!." Apparently, there is a large amount of skunks that go scavenging during the night. Well, Rocky and Shep had no idea what they were getting themselves into sniffing that behind. So a meandering skunk walks right past the sleeping dogs and they jump off of the ground to investigate. Fortunately, they were both tied to Bob's chair. Unfortunately, Shep's lease was somewhat longer. So Shep jumped up to investigate, stuck his nose right in the skunks behind and as Bob says "All I could see was that big tail go up and Shep drop to the ground." Well it didn't take long for the stench to waft into the tent. Traci and I have never moved so fast at 3AM. The smell was awful! Poor Shep was like the smelly kid for the whole weekend. We laughed and laughed and laughed. We were rolling. It took us an hour to clear the tent of the skunk but it was the best memory we could have made.

I spent most of the weekend holding little Josiah Fields. He was so adorable all wrapped up with socks on his feet plus he was a little heater. At 4 months he was a great camper!

Well today is the day I turned 27! Yeah! I know I am getting older, but don't feel any different than yesterday! Although, my husband did point out that he is younger than me! I was so excited because my birthday didn't fall on Thanksgiving or Black Friday this year! Bob and I went out to See "The Twilight Saga: New Moon." We loved it! Then we came home and made pies for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Bob is such a great guy, he helped me with apple peeling and mixing! They look so good I can't wait to eat them. What do you think! I can only take partial credit, Grandma Fran is the master behind the pies....I am just the student! Thanks Grandma!

Well enough for now, wish me luck! I am running the Turkey Trot 10k tomorrow, you know.. to store up extra calories for all those pies.


  1. Happy trotting! I'm not gonna lie, makes me feel so happy that I am not running a 10k tomorrow. That's probably why Shep likes you better than me! See you tomorrow.

  2. Happy Birthday--sorry I missed it. It is hard to share a birthday with a holiday. We laughed out loud again at the skunk story eventhough we've heard it several times before. We're enjoying keeping up with the Longmires.
