Monday, September 17, 2018


Oh wow.....I was stalking my own blog and reminiscing about some of our memories over the past month and realized that I started this blog and never finished it!  This guy just celebrated his 74th birthday and here I am finally getting back to this blog.  For shame! Man......just goes to show you that my lists have lists and all of those lists have sublists, and my brain just can't do it all.

Oy, so here I am determined to get this blog up and in the record books because the guy in the walker here is now full fledged back to ranch hand mode sans walker, or cane, or any "I just had surgery" attitude.  Y'all.....if you ever want to know where I get my gumption...........

So back in July, my Daddy ended up having pretty emergent hip replacement surgery.  Ever since he took a tumble off of their Colorado barn, the guy has been battling lots of pain.  The screws they put in his hip started to cause a lot of trouble and a few months ago he ended up with major back surgery.  Unfortunately, that still didn't solve his pain problem and in July he was in such crippling pain that they did a full on hip replacement........que all over the hill jokes.  Two major surgeries inside of 4 months is rough.....really rough.

Since the surgery ended up being emergent, life got a little chaotic really quickly and my Momma had to go to Colorado for  a week to work so she called and asked if I wanted to come up to the mountains for 10 days to take care of Dad.  We organized our schedule and I jumped at the chance to have some Father Daughter time.

When Ellie and I arrived, Dad was still very dependent on the walker and was just starting to take actual "walks." Given that he was only a few days outside of surgery, any mobility outside of walking from his bed to his chair to the kitchen was good.

Ellie was very worried about Papa, especially when we started doing Physical Therapy.  Guys.....I don't handle seeing those I love in pain, I really don't, so when Mom told me that I would need to push the PT and encourage him to do more than he wanted to, I was a wee bit nervous. HA....I think I missed my calling.  As soon as I was up there and working with him even with the pain he was experiencing all I kept thinking was "coming back after 2 surgeries ain't gonna be easy, but sittin' still will be far worse." Dad wants to be out doing his ranch hand stuff, carrying buckets, moving hay, and working he was going to work hard in PT.  Apparently I am a decent drill sergeant.  Luckily my gumption isn't all I get from my parents, my coachability comes from them too.  Even though pain and discomfort, Dad did everything I told him to do.

And by day 2 he was up an out of his chair more than he had been.  We started a puzzle and worked hard on it between short walks around the barn, physical therapy, eating, and of course watching Movies! 

Of course Dad wasn't the only thing under my care up at the ranch.  I had 3 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 horses to worry about too.  And Mother has a routine.......a straight up process......and while at first I was a little on overload, by the end of the first day I had the plan down and only forgot like 3 things (JK I have a photographic memory, Thank the Good Lord!)

YES...I actually took this picture.  City girl in a ranchy world.

Ellie and I would get up every day and go for a walk or a run.  Getting the energy out of her was really important and we love the forest up there.  She and I had a grand ole time runnin' our 3 miles.

I'd come back, check on all the animals, add water to the bin, muck the stalls, wash the buckets, make the grain, and keep the Flying E in check.

Then it was time for Dad's walk and PT.  For the first 3 days he could walk around the barn with his walker or cane, but by day 4 I was ready to push so he did his first walk to the mail box .25 miles away.  I was so proud of him.  The physical therapy was paying off and not only did he walk there and back, but he didn't even use the cane he had brought. #stagingacomeback!

I upped the anty on PT pretty quickly and we moved into doing 2 sessions a day by day 3.  It hurt, and I knew it took a monumental attitude focus for him to do it, but again, I think I found my calling.  Between my gumption and coaching, and his coachability and trust, we did it, and BY GOLLY the guy really improved.

Everyday we went for adventures and I did my best to keep him moving and active.  On the first day Dad was not able to stand with 2 feet together and sit into a chair.  There was no mobility in the hip and back for that.  He would have to stick his bum leg out, lean to the opposite side and lower himself down all catty whompus.  I remember inwardly setting goals that I was going to get him sitting in a chair without all that hubub by the end of the week.  I knew we could do it about half way through when he nearly did it during PT........just time, and practice, and strength Papa.  LETS DO THIS!

Around day 6 I was so bored (hahahaha) that I started looking for other creatures to care for and found myself this wretched lady.  

Yep....that there is a Black Widow complete with spawn of satan sack (babies).  She had set up her spawning center right by the garage and I had a "Hell, No!" attitude when I discovered her.  Catching her was one of those Wonder Woman moments for sure.  Guys.......I do not like spiders.  I have worked all of my adult life to not act like a squealing tire when I come across one.  It takes effort.......and now I had to figure out how to successfully catch the darn thing because my commpadre couldn't bend that far over.  WHEW......yes I can.

Why catch it you ask?  GREAT QUESTION.  You see, I am all about learning and making sure kids see and experience life in all of its creepy (Seriously God.....Black Widows?) glory.  Memaw has always talked to my girls about Black Widows.......and I was determined for them to meet one and learn all about it first hand.

Unfortunately, my girls weren't supposed to come up until the next day so the Widow had to live in a jar.  Oh man guys, we put the jar outside with a board over it for the night, and I had one of those moments where  I actually asked myself, "Can spiders grow superpowers? Can she rock the jar over? Cause man if she gets out she knows what I look like and can find where I sleep." Yes, I pulled a Maria Von Trapp and checked my bed for her family.  It was a fitful night.

But we made it till the girls could meet her and they did! Science 101.  Lily was ready to see it die (you and me both sister), and Evie cried over the fact that I was going to kill the babies.  YES plural.  Because we are curious and because......well Google......Dad and I googled what was in that sack. Hundreds of tiny babies........all black heebies still have jeebies.

We drowned her and her spawn sack in alcohol and then went about our day......

Having the family back with me after a 7 day hiatus was wonderful and fun....even it it was more work.  The girls and I enjoyed some horseback riding, while Bob built lego rockets, did puzzles, and worked on the computer with Dad.  He loved showing Dad all about the NASA JPL institute after an intense PT session.  Nothing like some good ole distraction.

All the while Dad continued to improve and make leaps and bounds towards finding his footing again.  It was so cool to be a part of and such a neat thing to watch.

I am so proud to say that by the time Mom came home (with another horse I might add :)) Dad could officially sit down in a chair with both his feet together.  He had made it so far and was able to venture out and start to do all the things that keep him occupied.  

Daddy is truly staging a comeback and how could he not with such a great team!

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