Friday, February 17, 2017

Simple Truths

Our lives these days are a constant rotation of work, school, eating, working out, doing homework, snuggling and then doing it all over again.  Life is incredibly busy but very simple.  I have found a sort of lull in my blogging because I have found myself immersed in a sense of routine.  Routine isn't all that exciting, but it is knowable, and that is wonderful.  Lily and Evie are just growing up every day and Bob and I are amazed at how independent they are.  They need us less and less which is good, and different.

As more and more influences begin to shape their lives I have been really serious about making sure that their home is full of foundational truths.  After all, the wise man builds his house upon the Rock.  

If home is where the heart is, I have made it a goal to have my heart for my girls literally written on the walls of our home.  It is one thing to say these things and drill them into our children, but it is another thing entirely to let them surround our children without spoken words.   This is who we are.  How powerful to let truth, hope, purpose and light be an aura in your living space.

In our routine of life my girls have embraced the hours of playtime and the amazing opportunity of having a "for life" friend built right into our family.  Their imaginations are wild and while they have moments of intense disagreement and war, nothing compares to the quiet moment when Evie leans over to Lily and says, "Lily, I love you."  Unprompted, unforced.  She just knows that no matter what happens in our house, no matter how angry we can make each other............ we still love each other.  Its that aura.

I am constantly reminded of a College Professor I had that always reminded me to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).  Life is complicated and things get overwhelming.  These girls are going to change the world not by being high powered leaders (which I wouldn't put past either of them), but by simply living and loving in simple truths.

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