Thursday, April 27, 2017

This is Childhood

Well, its official, Evie is on a big girl bicycle.  She is so determined to make her mark on the big girl world and now has the wheels to do it!  She is so excited!  This girl is hitting milestones and doing everything she should be.  The bike is still a little big for her so I am extra thankful for the training wheels, but I just cannot get over how cute she looks on her princess bike in her princess helmet.

Lily, Evie and our neighborhood friend Emme LOVE to get together after school and ride bikes and scooters.  They have been having a blast going up the big hill by our house and practicing their ever growing list of "tricks" they can do.

This is Evie's trick.........what is it you ask?  No idea, but the kid said, "Mommy watch this!"  So I did and took a picture.  Good Job Evie!

Then there is Emme.  This kid makes me smile.  She LOVES the outdoors and playing.  She is chill and super fun and always up for anything my girls concoct. She has the heart of a true friend and the compassion to match.

Her trick was a lot more noticeable.  Go Emme!

I am so grateful that Lily has this sweet friend to play with.  They have gotten to know each other really well because they ride their bikes to and from school together each day.  Lily's independence grows with each moment it seems and I am amazed that she gets herself to and from school, which is .5 miles away, without me.  Yes, I pray over her.......and yes I have a standing text check in with her teacher, but YES, I let my little girl do it.  How else is she gonna learn to conquer the world?

My beautiful first born.  She is amazing and gorgeous and her smile delights me.  I snapped this picture below and could not help but feel it was the poster for childhood.  Piggy tales, not a care in the world,  peanut butter on her face, gaps in her teeth, and a front scraggle tooth desperate to come out (which it did later that night).  I hope when Lily is grown I will look back on this picture and remember it.  This is CHILDHOOD!

Lily Demoed her skills on her scooter.  Barefoot and all she was still workin' her tricks and flashing those smiles.

This trick was my favorite.  Took us 5 tries to capture it right.  Oh to be a kid again.

Bob and I have had to do A LOT of adulting lately and there are times where the weight of life feels kinda heavy.  What we would give to have the carefree joy of childhood again.  I am just so glad that we can give that to our little girls and that if childhood was a sport, they would most definitely be at the top of their game.

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