Monday, April 17, 2017


Its quickly becoming summer around here.  The days are longer and the temperature is slowly but surely creeping up.  Our Air conditioner just went on last night.  For my girls it is quite possibly their favorite time of the year because they get to SWIM and live their entire days in their swim suits. 

Childhood is calling to them, and their lives are very sweet.  I have had a bit of nostalgia happening lately as I watch Evie enter the world of little girl and leave behind the world of baby and toddler.  My girls are growing up.  Lily will be 7 this year.....7!  Time marches on and its beautiful.

Lily Grace is amazing right now.  She loves makeup and all things girly, but is not above riding up the big hill in her barefeet while climbing trees in her dresses.  I love it, and I love her.  So much.  Today I took her to Kohls to find some new jammies.  As we were walking in she grabbed my hand and just said simply, "Mommy, I like doing things with you.  Just me and you doing stuff together.  Its the best!"  I I need to do this more. I always hoped I would have a shopping partner and not only did I get one, but I got a good one!  This kid can shop.  WHEW.

She is beautiful, inside and out.  Her heart is as big as her toothless smile and growing every day.  Occasionally she sits and lets me do her hair for her.  She saw this "side braid that ends in a messy bun" on youtube and begged me to try it.  I completed her look and she just smiled so delightedly. "Oh Mommy, its perfect!"

The girls spend so much of the days apart from each other, but when they see each other again they find themselves TOGETHER.  They dance, and fight, and watch shows, and play on the playground.  They love to have each other, even when they don't.  It truly makes my heart camera too.

Having a sister must be one of those amazingly special things.  I am so glad they have each other and I am so glad they are each their own bold selves.  Together they will see so much of the world, together they will learn and together they will find their way.

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