This race does not disappoint! Bob and I had an absolute blast down in Rocky Point this past weekend and I simply cannot wait to share about it. Last year I went by myself with my TRI Club and had so much fun that I registered Bob and I for this year and practically counted down the days starting last year. The venue, the race, the after party, the people. It is simply THE BEST!
Memaw came down from Colorado last week to watch the girls and Bob and I hopped in the car and headed south of the border last Friday. The drive to Rocky Point is really pretty chill and very straight forward. I will admit that it is kind of fun to be international within 3 hours.

Our trip started out with a bang when we got pulled over by Mexican Federalies 2 miles across the border. The Mexican town of Sonoyta is right across the border and yet we felt like a fish out of water. When we got pulled over, there was an enormous sense of displacement and helplessness. We gringos failed to really reduce our speed when the numbers were in kilometers and not miles. They catch you.........and we got caught. The guys (yes plural) who pulled us over were nice enough, but we were acutely aware of being in their territory and at their mercy. 1000 pesos ($60) later we were off again, no harm done. We had this realization though that every American should have to travel internationally in a country that doesn't speak their language. Why? Empathy and understanding. Until you feel out of place and like a really cannot understand the plight of the foreigner.....or the refugee........
I digress.
We made it to Rocky Point with no further delays and managed to find our way to our AMAZING lodging. A big group of us rented a house a short walk from the beach and it was gorgeous. 5 bedrooms, king size beds, balconies, full kitchen, luxurious aesthetics. It was perfect. Once semi settled we walked over to the race site to pic up our race packets and get familiar with the lay of the land.
The night before the race we were all found in the makeshift bike shop pumping tires, greasing chains, checking our gear and prepping for the race. These people are some of the coolest around. Just sayin.
Huge shout out to my husband who tackled his first EVER olympic distance with me this trip. He woke up charged and ready to take on the course even though the last triathlon he raced was about 3 years ago! You gotta give the guy props.......
Plus......he looks so HOT in his tri kit.
I mean, look at us........we are like the poster couple for "Those that race together stay together." I keep hoping he will fall in love with this stuff because he looks really good in that kit.
But I already said that.
Last year we woke up to near hurricane force winds. It was really rough, but this year the weather was perfect. It was quite hot, but with very little wind and not a cloud in the sky, we could not have asked for a better day. We were well represented out there with several olympic individual racers as well as an awesome olympic relay team.
The whistle blew and we all started on the race. The swim was beautiful. We ran about 200 yards along the beach to get to the water entrance and then the swim was a smooth sea swim. I LOVED it. Swimming is my happy place and I got in that water and stretched out my strokes. I was only sad it was a short swim of only 1000 meters. I seriously could just swim and swim and swim. I exited the water and ran up the sandy beach to transition feeling fast, good and ready to roll.
Last year I had so much pressure on every race I did because I was constantly doubting myself about IRONMAN. If I had a bad race it mentally demoralized me. This year, I have this new confidence. I proved something to myself that I never have to prove again. I am a bad ass athlete, and this year I know it. So I started this triathlon with this pressure free feeling of, "Bethany, just go out there and do what you do. Have fun and do your thing."
So I got on the bike feeling great and strong. The bike course is a 3 loop course and its extra fun because there are no rules, IE. you can draft. We all like to refer to the Rocky Point triathlon as a bandit race because its not governed and a bit Wild West-ish. Shoot, we had a couple people ride cruisers with flip flops on the race. Ah Mexico! I rolled out fast and hot, caught a pace line and cruised through the first lap. The second lap my coach Dawn caught me and I held onto her wheel pushing my pace. The final lap I was all the way out at the turn around spot (the farthest from the finish) and I heard that flop, flop, flop of a flat tire. AWE MAN! I have never gotten a flat in a race!
I pulled over and got to work. I had a brief moment of feeling sorry for myself and realizing that I would probably not place. Oh well. Then I got that spark that said, "Change your tire, get back on, haul in and catch everyone on the run Bethany!" So that is what I did. I freaking changed that tire, pulled the needle that caused the flat out, pumped it up, put my stuff back together, got my tire back on and got back in the race.
I flew into transition to everyone asking, "What happened?" As I was applying sunscreen and running myself out I put on my IRONMAN hat and yelled back my 3 famous words, "I got this." Now, the run course is no joke. It is very hilly with steep and short hills as well as being HOT. So hot. I got on the hill leading up to the course and had a gut check time. Dawn has been working on my speed with me and I am SO GRATEFUL. I was able to push hard even on that course and managed to pull out an average of 8:25s even on that course. Did it hurt....yes...a little and I ended up peeing all over myself because I didn't want to stop, but it was so worth it to make a comeback! I was able to catch all of the people that passed me on the bike and end the race strong.
My comeback was strong enough for a 1st place age group finish! I won't lie, it felt really good to see my name on the leader board in first. I fought for that!
Bob had a FANTASTIC race himself and pulled out a 5th place age group finish in one of the toughest and most competitive categories for guys. He has some serious triathlon skill and I cannot wait to watch him again.
We all got our free beer and settled down for the awards. I'm telling you, Rocky Point does not disappoint. The awards were perfect for the venue and feel of the race. All the winners got to go on stage and strut their stuff. So proud to represent AZ TRI Club up there on that catwalk. Also proud that I neither tripped or spilled my beer while having my moment.
Our relay team took 3rd in the category and rocked their catwalk too. We sure did miss Bridgit who was supposed to be our swimmer, but a bum leg took her out.
Once the awards were done, the party happened. Lots of alcohol, lots of music, lots of conversation and time spent with many of our favorite people!
Later in the evening we headed into town for dinner with Rosario and David. It was a blast to hang out with them. It was like a spontaneous double date and we thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them. I will say it again, we know really cool people.
The food at Aqui Con Flavios is just THE BEST. We enjoyed the water and the evening immensely....even if we were fairly sloshed from our afternoon partying.
The next morning we made our way down to the pool right outside our rental house for an hour or so of sun baking. We laid there feeling our heads pounding having a giggle, "we are too old for all that partying!" It was time to leave all to soon and we kept wishing we had more time to sit and soak up the beach.
This race is one of those annual things Bob and I will always do. Its just fun in every sense of the word. I love having a partner to do this stuff with. I love having a body that will do it.
Here's to the next triathlon adventure BABE!