Lily is so much fun! I think that I have finally coaxed out a live giggle from her. Of course it took a lot of silliness on my part to get it but that just makes it all the more worth it! There I was with her on her changing table (her favorite place at present) making sure the mood was right (clean diaper, naked elsewhere) making a big face (with my hands next to my eyes) going "oogy, boogey, boo" and after a few confused looks from her, a little giggle popped out! Wouldn't you know, it was then followed by a worried cry, but I am sure it was a giggle none the less.
Bob and I have also taken to playing with her on the floor.
The other night I was laying on my back with my knees up. I would sit her on my knees and then lean her forward to give her a kiss.
She loved it and just smiled and smiled. I have also started shaking her mildly as she comes down saying "earthquake, earthquake."
For some reason that makes her smile all the more. She usually lasts about 20 minutes playing that game and then we loose her to crying. Bob and I cannot wait until we have a little bit more time to play with her before she gives up.
The other day Lily and I were playing our earthquake game on the floor and in about 5 seconds she covered me with throw up. I guess I had it coming all things considered, but wow. It was so epic that I actually had to take a picture.
Once she started it came out in like three urps. I could have jumped off of the floor after the first up chuck, but I remember thinking, "If I just stay here until she is done, I will be able to keep the throw up in a centralized location. Yep, that will be easier to clean up." Only a Mom would sit there while your child is throwing up all over you and be saying "Oh, it's okay honey, just get it all out.....Good Job Babe!" After all of that came out she was much happier, funny how that works.
In other news, Bob is just determined to make Rocky Lily's personal pony. Grandma Feddy is going to introduce her to horses and is just hoping that we have a budding horse lover in our midst. I think Bob is trying to be preemptive and convince Lily that he may look a little different, but Rocky will work just like a pony and he is free! Good luck with that Honey! Rocky lets us do a lot to him, but he may draw the line at baby riding.
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