Well we are through the first quarter of baby's first year and still have a happy, healthy thriving baby. It seems like the learning curve for Mom and Dad is as high as it is for Lily. Here are some of the latest lessons we are learning on our parenthood journey.
1. Just when you think you have a routine going, the little one WILL change it up on you. Unfortunately, babies don't understand the concept so the application goes right over their heads too.
2. Nothing is consistent about baby clothes and their sizing. One man's 3 months is another man's newborn. And one man's 3 months is another man's 6. I have been saving an adorable little 3 month dress and couldn't wait for her to hit 3 months. I put it on her the other day and the onsie is way to small. I have crammed her in it twice, but just can't bear to stuff her in it again.
3. Buy a pacifier clippy thing. Our first pacifier had no attachment method and just when we needed it we could never find it. That little $5 clip is the best thing we own.
4. No matter how many feedings you do or how much weight your baby gains, you will always have the worry that you are not producing enough. If you are lucky to over produce then you will worry about your baby being overweight. I does sound silly, but it is so true.
5. You learn quickly that yes, your baby will cry and no, it doesn't make you a bad mom to let them. Note: The sound of the shower drowns out the crying, if only for a couple of minutes, offering you a few moments of rejuvenation.
6. As hard as it is to decode sometimes, your baby does have a language and they will speak it loud and clear especially if you misunderstand them and put them to bed instead of feed them.
7. Being a mom and dad to Lily is important, but being a wife and husband is even more so. Don't ever let your baby make you forget what it is to be a spouse. Babies are supposed to enhance the marriage, not detract from it. Remember you were a wife/husband first, mom/dad second.
8. Number 7 is easier said than done.
9. If you can, avoid living in a second floor apartment. You say it is only 19 steps, but 19 feels like 50 with a baby in the car seat (blankets included), your purse, water bottle, mail, jacket and baby bag. Then you have to bring in all of the groceries. I bought two boxes of diapers on Monday and they are still in my car.
10. Learning to juggle a baby and her needs, me and my needs, Bob and his needs, laundry, ironing, grocery shopping, doctor's appointments, paying the bills, feeding the animals, taking Rocky out, vacuuming, planning dinners, making dinners, cleaning the dishes, emptying the dishwasher, making the bed and all the other chores is the best job in the whole world!
Great messages! I learned early on to wash all new baby clothes as soon as I got them to see how big (or small) they really were!