First of all, today is Super Bowl Sunday! It was a very sad day two weeks ago when the Packers won over the Chicago Bears. So, Lily is donned in her Chicago Bears attire in protest of the Green Bay Packers. We are in full support of the Pittsburgh Steelers today! GO STEELERS!
Lily thought that the best way to celebrate the three month milestone in her life was by getting her first cold! Yes, the poor little baby has been sick as can be for the past 3 days. She has been sniffly, sneezy, coughy, snotty, mucousy, groggy and yucky (no, our home has not been inhabited by 7 dwarfs). The most amazing part about it is that she has been an absolute Rockstar through it all. She has kept her smiles even though every 5 minutes she coughs three times, sneezes twice and then coughs again. After all of that she tries to breathe through her nose and blows snot bubbles.
She is most assuredly not a fan of the nose sucker (I think it is technically called a bulb syringe, but come on, lets call a spade a spade!). Every time I stick it in her nose and hear the suction working I think about what it must feel like for her. She has got to be thinking, "Mom, what in the world are you doing to me? I can't breathe and you are sticking something weird up my nose!" Oddly enough, Bob is totally grossed out by the nose sucker (this coming from the guy who cheers when she blows out a diaper with a big juicy........well you know the rest). The nose sucker helps, but only a little bit. Lily is still all stuffed up. When we lay her down on her back it sounds like the Death Star has arrived and Darth Lily has come to the Empire. I am not an overly compassionate person when it comes to someone being sick, but let me tell you, I just want to cry for Lily! Poor Baby!
The past three months have been amazing and it is so wonderful to be a part of her life. She is so excited about the world right now and is starting to stick out her tongue to explore things around her. Her fingers are still not quite nimble enough to suck on, but she is trying so desperately to figure them out. Sometimes she just sits in her swing and works her fingers and her arms while staring at them. You can see the wheels turning in her head as she makes all of the connections. She still loves her car seat which is awesome for the runners (aka, mom and dad) and adores her bath time.
Sleeping is her number one past time especially during the day.
She goes to bed consistently at 8PM and sleeps for about 5 hours. The rest of the night is usually 2 more sections of 2.5 hour naps. I am looking forward to the time when she sleeps from 8 to 4 or 5. That would be lovely! She is rapidly growing out of her 3 month sized clothes and we will soon have to pack those in the history box too. I was looking through her closet and discovered this adorable red and white outfit that Grandma Lynn gave to her.
It has matching boots and an awesome hip hat. It is a 0-6 month size, but wouldn't you know it, she is almost too long for it!
The other night she was just happy as could be in her daddy's arms.
We have learned that when the baby is happy, you don't mess with it. Bob was trying to get some last minute work done with her attached to him. I have to admit, this is what you call multi-tasking!
Bob then was working on our big computer (aka the TV) and Lily was helping him type. She is going to be very techy, especially with her daddy helping her along.
Parenthood suites Bob and I very well and we have adored the first three months of Lily's life. I know that the next three months are going to trump these first three and we are looking forward to every minute.
Glad Lily will be able to wear the red outfit a few times before spring...I adore your blog page. It keeps us connect to you. Enjoy Colorado! Grandma Lynn