Praise the Lord, we are finally getting back to sleeping at night. In fact, Lily has been sleeping all the time. It would appear that the 4 days of poor sleeping and eating all the time were signs of a major baby growth spurt. Now she is catching up for lost time. Yesterday was unbelievable. She was awake for about 3 hours throughout the day and that was it. It was nice because all of us got to sleep together and catch up on some much needed ZZZZZs. When you think about how much they change and develop when they are so little I guess it is understandable how they can be ravenous one minute and exhausted the next.
So thankfully we are back to making it 6 or 7 hours at night which has given me a much better outlook on life. Bob is in the middle of training for his next marathon in March so every Saturday we head over to the Tobacco Trail to run. This past Saturday Bob ran 16 miles in 2 and a quarter hours while Lily and I ran 8. I am so proud of myself and I felt so strong. Lily and I have gotten into a routine of running 2-4 times per week. Running has been an excellent way to have time for myself. It is the only time in the day where I can guarantee that Lily will sleep and give me 1-2 hours of uninterrupted peace. My post pregnancy goal is to run the Disney Marathon in January of 2012 and so far I am well on my way. We also have a membership at our local aquatics center and Bob and I try to swim 2 times per week. It is trickier now with Lily, but we are going to start taking her and taking turns playing in the water.
Lily loves the water and we are just loving the nights when we get to give her a bath. It is definitely the best time of the day. This week Bob and I each took turns taking a bath with her in the big bath. She just adores the water and this way we can lay her down in it and play for a while. I think her favorite part is splashing with her feet.
It is so cute to watch her get all excited and squirm around in the tub. The delight that you see in her face radiates through her little body and she is so cute. She is smiling a lot more now, but oddly enough she is a little camera shy. Maybe shy is the wrong word, but every time I get the camera out to capture her smile, she takes one look at the big flashy black thing and I cannot seem to coax a smile out. I have discovered that I have to catch her when she is not looking to get the biggest smiles.
Lily is becoming more and more dexterous with her hands and she is desperately trying to fit them into her mouth. She still keeps her fingers in a fist though, so she just can't get the suction going. I tell you what, as soon as she figures it out I have a feeling that we are going to have a thumb sucker on our hands. Interestingly, I am kind of looking forward to her figuring it out because then she can self soothe and Bob and I won't have to play the relay game of "put her pacifier back in before she screams." I love watching her because she keeps her little hands right in front of her. So adorable.
I am really looking forward to February because we get to see lots of family again. Grandma Jill will be coming to see Lily (She really is coming to see Lily-Bob and I are just by products-that's what happens when you have a baby as cute as Lily). She will be here over Valentines day weekend which will allow a nice date night. We didn't even have to twist Jill's arm to babysit! At the end of the month the three of us will head out to Colorado. I am really looking forward to it as it will be the first time that all of my extended family will get to meet Lily. Of course, it will also mark the first time that Lily has been in an airplane. I am a little nervous. Hopefully it will go really well and she will sleep the whole time! I will pray for that.
must get the love of water from her daddy!! Perhaps a swimmer/diver in the making!! Love to all