There is something so special about a mom's relationship with her baby. Becoming a mother has changed my world in so many ways and given me so much joy. It truly is an unbelievable and indescribable experience to be sure. Lily has completely stolen my heart and I treasure every moment with her.
She is sleeping really well at night and I could not be happier, but I MISS her. I have started to look forward to when she wakes me up in the early hours. I know that in many ways I am still just a "needs-meeter" right now, but there is something so awesome about coming into the room and having her calm down because she knows that mom is there to help her. I hope that our relationship will grow and blossom. I look forward to the day when she snuggles and tells me she loves me.
Being a stay at home mom is the best and I do not take it for granted. Spending all day with her is so precious. Sometimes it can be a little trying, but it is special.
The shooting in Tucson, AZ happened this past weekend and the stories are all over the media this morning. Such a tragedy, especially in such a charged time. While the entire story is horrific, the most impacting thing for me was that the precious 9 year old little girl was killed. Now, as a mom, the loss that her parents must feel has to be so great. Having babies is such a miracle in itself. Getting that tiny embryo through the 9 months is a testament to the grace of God. Unfortunately, the world that we bring them into is tumultuous and sinful and many of those little ones are taken all too soon. As I look at Lily and hold her in my arms, I am hit with the realization that she really isn't mine, but God's.
Bob and I have been given the priviledge of loving and raising her, but her life and her heart belong to the Lord. My only prayer is that I will love her fully and not miss a moment enjoying her smiles and joy.
Lily and I have gotten into some form of a routine during the days. When we both get up around 7:30 AM, Lily eats breakfast and I enjoy my morning cup of joe. I have to admit, I really love my morning coffee! I have also become addicted to the TODAY show and Rachael Ray's show. We try to get laundry/ironing/dishes etc. done while the TV is on and Lily has gotten into a habit of sleeping between 9 and 11. Sometimes none of that gets done because the little one decides to change everything up, but for the most part our system works great. Usually we fit in a walk or some form of exercise (ie. grocery shopping- yes it has become an aerobic routine) before noon.
Lunch time comes next and it is anyones guess as to whether or not Lily lets me eat. Sometimes my sandwich gets eaten one handed. She has started to take a nice long nap in the afternoon which has become my blogging/cleaning/quiet time. I love it. Then it is dinner time and her bewitching hour. Nearly every day once she wakes up from her second nap she becomes a screaming, squirming nightmare. There is something about the evening hours that turns cute angelic babies into little naughty kids. Whoa. Poor Bob comes home wanting to have a nice night with his daughter and she screams for the majority of the evening. Of course there are some nights that she forgets to be naughty and is adorable, but they are few and far between right now. Next comes bath and bed time. I love this hour. The best time of my day is when I get to snuggle a little fresh smelling baby to sleep. We read a story, pray and talk about our day. That is the really special Lily and me time. Being with Lily all day reminds me that dreams do come true and that the Lord is faithful!
I cannot believe how big Lily is getting. Hard to believe that little darling on your shoulder was a floppy little baby such a short time ago. Have I mentioned she looks a lot like Casey's little guy Caleb? I'll try to find a good picture and send it. Thanks for the updates. I sigh every time I read one!