Monday, June 3, 2024

NYC 2024: Day 1

New York City was a trip that Lily and I looked forward to for a whole year.  When the day arrived for us to leave we were so disappointed that our flight was delayed.  When we finally made our way to the airport everyone was so very excited!

We arrived super late in the heart of New York and made our way to our hotel, The Edison Hotel!  Bus drivers in NYC are AMAZING.  

Our morning started bright and early with a walk and tour at Radio City Music Hall.  What an experience to be able to go behind the scenes and stand right in the middle of the famous stage.


Following the tour, all of the kids got to take part in a broadway dance workshop held by Jesse Pelettier, one of the cast members of Back to the Future, the Musical!

We all navigated the subway (with the help of our awesome guide), and attended our first of 3 broadway shows!  

This show was unbelievable!  I mean super hard to explain how incredible this one was. The combination of incredible talent and modern technology was truly a treat.  They literally threw a car on stage and made it fly (still trying to figure out how that worked).

After Back to the Future, we headed back to the hotel, enjoyed dinner, and then found ourselves in line for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Everyone was exhausted, but those of us who are Harry Potter Fans were SO excited. And it did not disappoint.  In a word, it was magical.  Literally a spectacular performance full of slight of hand and magical moments. 

The show was long, but such an experience.  Even if I did have to hold my eyes open with my fingers. 

Day 1 in the books.  Incredible.


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