Sunday, June 9, 2024

Man we are Hon...or Roll!!!

 Both girls finished out their school years on the Honor Roll!  And its SUMMER TIME!  I mean, time flies, but this year felt unfair in its pace. We now have a 6th grader and an 8th grader. Good Lordy.

Evie had an outstanding year. This is the year we found the best ways to help her hone her ADHD super powers and well, the proof is in the pudding.  This girl thrived in school and has become a consummate diver.  Evie was even invited to Nationals for dive this year.  We are all looking forward to watching her next season. Evie is always looking for a playdate and is always asking someone to come and play with her.  She likes the same 5 outfits because they "feel the best," and is more concerned with when she can get Sonic again.  This kid is fun, tenacious, knows what she wants and is looking forward to starting voice lessons this summer. Here's to turning 11 soon and heading to 6th grade!

Lily walked into JH a young woman and came out practically an adult.  Its fine, Im fine, everything is fine.  She absolutely crushed her 7th grade year and found her place on the stage firmly routed in all things theater.  The kid absolutely loves it and whether she is back stage or on stage has found her people.  Watching her grow and thrive has been a treat.  She now moves into 8th grade in Advanced Musical Theater, and Advanced Show Choir.  She loved playing in Beauty and the Beast, JR this year and will once again hope to take center stage in Aladdin JR next year. The world is hers for the taking. 

Lily and Evie,

I know this year has gone by in a blur of my YTT and all the things, but know I am so proud of you both.  You have grown tremendously and I am enjoying watching you grow up.  You know Dad and I are always on your team. Go and Do and BE BOLD ABOUT IT!

Love you


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