Yes you read that right, I am having Braxton Hicks all over the place! Nothing has progressed or become painful, but they are definitely happening. So exciting! We could be welcoming our baby girl any time now! I am officially 36 weeks pregnant and feeling it! My belly is huge and taking up all of my resources including air and stomach space. I swear my stomach is in my neck. Indigestion is fabulous! Bending over is definitely not a possibility and the other day I went to tie my shoes and had a realization that I may need to invest in slip on athletic shoes. Trying to figure out how to reach my laces was an episode. I think it took a good 5 minutes a foot to get them on right. Then one of them was too tight.....o darn not untying those again! The Doctor says that Lily is in good shape and in the right position so we are on the home stretch! My contractions have just started to show up in the past week or so and they happen periodically all day. Bob has predicted that Lily is going to come out within the next week or so. I don't think that it will be that early, but I would be willing to bet that she won't make it to November 8th. We will keep you posted! I was hoping to have our pregnancy pictures up this week, but I am still waiting for the finished images in the mail. So they will have to wait for next time! I promise it will be worth the wait!
Jill and Steve came down to visit over Columbus Day and we had a great and relaxing weekend. On Friday morning we went to Lake Johnson to take Rocky for a walk. I only made it half way but Jill and Steve took our un-exercised dog around the rest. I must have been having a BH contraction or walking funny because I had a lady come up to me with a worried look and a "Are you okay?" I must look ready to pop!
Anyways, I spent most of my time on the rocking chairs on the deck overlooking the Lake. Perfect pregnant lady place. I am really having to be careful to not overdo it right now. I just cannot do very much and I tire so easily. Nap time is a routine part of my days. I know I know! Enjoy it now right?
On Sunday we went to our favorite local coffee shop for Pumpkin Pie Crepes (you can be jealous :) and coffee before heading to church. Yummy!
After church we headed over to Duke University to see the campus. It was gorgeous.
It was built in 1925 and has these old historic buildings and this beautiful Catholic church with a huge steeple, bells and a fabulous pipe organ. The whole campus felt like a step back in time. Beautiful. We stopped for a while in these covered picnic areas that sway. I kept thinking that if I went to school here this would be my study spot for sure.
The trees in the area were huge too. North Carolina is so lush and beautiful. I couldn't help but hug this tree for perspective.
The baby belly definitely took away some of my wing span. Wonderful way to spend the afternoon.
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