I am absolutely blown away by the beautiful colors that have begun to change the landscape all around here in North Carolina. I forgot how much I missed seeing the leaves change. The roadsides are just covered with bright reds, golds, greens, pinks, oranges even some purples. So beautiful!
Bob and I decided that it was imperative that we get a new fancy camera for taking loads of pictures of our newest family member. After all, isn't that what new parents are known for? We searched high and low and finally decided on one. I picked it up a couple of days ago and took these pictures with it. We have this beautiful tree right outside of our apartment and the camera caught it so well. Here are some of the other pictures that I caught.
Well, every day is one day closer to the big day and Bob and I are getting more and more anxious. I just had my doctor's appointment and discovered that I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. At this point I am really thinking that this baby wants to stay in my belly forever. I know that we are closer than we have ever been, but these final few days feel like they are going to never end! Bob has been reading about ways to encourage labor on the internet. Last weekend he took me to have super spicy food at this little hole in the wall authentic Mexican place called "Rancho Grande." Let me tell you, the Mexican food that they serve at Chilis or On The Border is NOT Mexican food. The mild hot sauce was hot and the green sauce was crazy hot. Whoa! My mouth was on fire for an hour.

Lily was practically dancing in my belly after that dinner. I have also got some tea and have been doing as much walking as I can stand. She is tucked away tight!
Bob has been busy putting together the little cradle that his mom sent to us. It is an adorable little antique cradle that we plan to put her in for a couple of weeks while she is new and we are figuring out breastfeeding. We had a giggle at how well it was packed. I think it took Bob 10 minutes just to get it out of its packaging. He put it together and then had to test the dexterity and strength. In his mind if it could hold our vacuum it can surely hold our little girl.
Meanwhile, I cooked. I love to do it, but standing in the kitchen with a baby belly is wreaking havoc on my back. So ready for her to be here!
So beautiful! Yay, she's on her way!!!