The monotony and anxiety of the final days has set in and I wake up every morning hoping that today is the day. I know, I know, I still have two more weeks or so, but seriously, I feel ready to pop and am hoping that the timer goes off soon!
I am so heated right now. Poor Bob is freezing. The other day it was raining and about 65 degrees outside. I went to pick up Bob at the office and had the AC on in the car. The poor guy got in the car and just about cried. At home I have gone ahead and put the down comforter on the bed for him. I cannot stand all of the covers so he gets about 4 layers of warmth on him. You see, at night the temp gets down to about 40 degrees and with the windows open and a t-shirt and shorts on I can usually get some sleep without sweating.
Occasionally I have to use the sheet, but I have some appendage always hanging out. Bob has to gear up just to get through the night.
Honey, we are almost there!
In these last few weeks, it is hard to stay focused on the positive when I am so uncomfortable, but I thought I would share with you all the 20 things I will miss about pregnancy (I was afraid I wouldn't be able to name 10 and I found 20 :).
1. The overwhelming feeling of peeing on that stick and having two lines show up. Probably the greatest high I have experienced.
2. Telling the parents that they are going to be grandparents. After all of the waiting it was so fun to hear their joy and surprise.
3. Getting an ultrasound at 11 weeks and seeing that little heart fluttering away.
4. Having my acne clear up because the hormones are being put to much better use.
5. Not having to worry about bathing suit season. Talk about taking the pressure off.
6. Wearing clothes with stretchy waist bands. Seriously that should be how pants are made. No can't.....get......the.....button.....closed and the infamous muffin top.
7. Seeing my belly slowly get bigger. It was a dream.
8. The first time I felt her move.
9. The first time Bob felt her move.
10. Watching how curteous people are when they see a pregnant lady coming through. Why can't people always treat each other that way? I could not believe the amount of men that would go through a door, start walking away, see me and then race back to open the door. Or the women that would walk by and smile sweetly. I love good manners.
11. Finding out our baby was a little girl. I remember crying tears of joy and excitement.
12. Going to childbirth classes and seeing all of the first time dads try to diaper and swaddle those mannequin babies. There were dads who approached the tasks with resolve and then dads that looked absolutely terrified. Bob was the epitomy of confidence, I was so proud.
13. I also won't forget the video on labor and the looks on women's faces as they had the realization of "I have to do that?" Priceless.
14. Laying down at night and having her move and move and move. Bob and I would snuggle together and he would wrap his hand around my belly and we would just lay there in awe.
15. Having an excuse to sit and do absolutely nothing (and take naps every day) and to have everyone around you encourage it.
16. Feeling our baby's feet as she kicked my left side. I will never forget the first time that I felt her toes. That was a beautiful and emotional time.
17. Sitting in her bedroom and reading to our little one. The best is when the book is resting on my tummy and she moves against the book.
18. Watching Bob laugh as I make the poor attempt to put on my shoes and socks.
19. Having a reason to go and buy a fancy bag for the hospital. It is purple and so classy.
20. The excitement of knowing that our baby is coming and that our love is going to be a tangible, beautiful baby. Five years of waiting for the best most wonderful gift in the world.
I love your list! And the picture of Bob all bundled up in bed made me laugh out loud! Praying for your strength as the big day of Lily's arrival draws near!
ReplyDeleteLove reading your blog. And the list...I think you hit all the "high" points! Enjoyed seeing the pictures of Bob bundled up and remembered those days of my own pregnancies. Enjoy your last days where Lily is confined inside. She will be here soon and I can't wait to read about your days & nights then!! Hopefully she sleeps and naps well for you. Miss you both.. Cherie