I came home to find our wooden gate destroyed, the blinds on our front door destroyed and that instead of just licking his legs he has transitioned to licking his body. No joke, my neurotic dog has now gone full fledged self mutilation and is literally licking his behind off. On Tuesday morning as I was headed out on my run, I discovered the 3 inch diameter open wound on the side of his hip. No kidding, an open, oozing, bleeding, smelly wound brought on by his own doggie craziness. I instantly called and got a vet appointment scheduled, but would have to wait 4 days. Oh no! The next day I woke up to a 6 inch wound that literally made me feel as nauseous as I felt when I was pregnant. So stressful and disgusting!
The only thing I could do in an effort to get him the next 4 days to his appointment was to subject him to the cone and a makeshift duct tape bandage. Yes, Rocky has a cone on his head and a diaper bandage on his butt.

Laugh! It is hilarious. It is the only thing that I can do. Seriously Rocky? You have a family that loves you, a house, a backyard, daily runs. Laughing is the only thing that keeps me from screaming in frustration.
Since we have instituted the cone, sleep has been fleeting for me. Rocky has no spacial awareness so he runs into everything, walls, doors, stairs, nightstands (he has knocked over one of the Jessup's tables 3 times) furniture, humans and yes, he tipped Lily over the other day just walking by.
At night it is literally like I have a tornado moving through my house. Since I have heightened Mommy senses, I don't sleep and have once again found myself only able to catch some zzzzzzs on the couch. There have been many moments where I have wanted to say "It's Me or the Dog," but know deep down I would never truly give the ultimatum. Why is it that once animals take up residence in your heart, no matter how much trouble they bring to your life, you still love'em?
Lily thinks the cone is so fun to play with and was banging, pulling and crawling on it the other night. Once she discovered her doggie was in the cone that made it even more fun for her.
He finally got to the vet today and is now on antibiotics and hopefully headed towards recovery. However, there is a part of me that thinks we may have only solved the problem temporarily. I think his issues run deeper than a round of antibiotics and a cone. O well, we will just keep a sense of normalcy for him and hope that it restarts his doggie brain and gets him off the train to Crazyville.
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