Our big 100 pound dog has been on a terrorist streak lately. Oh my goodness. Thank heavens Grace and Sebron are not newbies to the whole "bad dog" thing because if they were I have a huge feeling that they would have thrown in the towel this week and said "see ya" to the whole living together thing. He has been rotten. Bob has had to talk me off of the ledge many times this week. On more than one occasion I seriously considered dropping him off at the Goodwill Donation sight. They take dogs, right?
It all started earlier this week when my kitties Maddie and Bryce kept following me around and meowing at me uncontrollably which usually means hunger. Normally when I feed them they get along great for about 2 days, but later that night the kitties were all over me meowing and rubbing like they were starving. Well, they were! Rocky has discovered the cat food and conspicuously sneaks down there when we are all handling babies to eat his fill. No joke, one day I filled their bowls 3 times. Argh. Oh yeah, and did I mention that after he eats the cat food he tops of his meal with the cat box? YEAH, so GROSSSSSSSS!!!
Once I shut off his cat product access, he decided to go on a binge and eat all the trash he could find, an entire canister of Nutella Spread, bread, more trash, and two tupperware containers out of the sink. So Naughty! If he can't find anything upstairs, he just marches himself into the Jessup territory and helps himself. Poor Grace and Sebron, at this point they have had to sacrifice a lot living with our beast. Thank heavens they have owned a Demon Dog before so most of his trouble doesn't come as a shock, but STILL.
In case all of this wasn't enough, our entire house is literally covered with hair bunnies floating around. Lily crawls and has to plow through hair. Vaccuming only serves to make me feel better about putting Lily on the floor, it does nothing for the dog hair, seriously, it is everywhere. Once I vaccum, 5 minutes later it is bad again.
He has serious abandonment issues so when we put him in his spacious backyard, he scratches the door to be let in. He still licks his leg so I find little blood spots wherever he lays. He drools water all over the house and usually it is toilet water. My car smells like dog, my room smells like dog and because Lily is still stuck in the backseat with him, she tends to smell like dog. When the doorbell rings no matter where he is it is a brute bulldozing effort to get to and out the door, usually giving me enough time to frantically call out "He's friendly" to the terrified guest before he gives them a once over, hackles up. Let me tell you, he has been trying.
Throughout all of this, however, he has one overwhelming good quality, he is absolutely adorable with the babies. It's like he knows that how he is with them is the one behavioral area where there aren't any do overs or second chances. He gets it. Lily follows him around like a groupie desperately trying to find his dangly collar.
She pulls on his collar, usually choking him, yanks on his jowls, tugs at his hair and crawls on, over and around him with little care to what she might squish or pinch.
All the while he lays there quietly and calmly like he understands that his lot in life is to be Lily's jungle gym. So okay, I will deal with all of the other naughtiness with patience because I can tell he loves Lily and Jancsi, in the end that really is all that matters.
All right Rocky, You can stay.........
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