Our trip to Colorado was so much fun! As always it ended far quicker than I would have liked, but with Bob left on the East Coast, Lily and I had to get back soon. While we were up in the Mountains, however, Lily and I had a wonderful time and Lily Grace had so many new and exciting experiences.
Lily and I left early last Tuesday morning for our flight. Because of the time change, we landed in CO right around 9AM and had to whole day to play and spend time with Feddy and Kemo. After a much needed baby nap, Feddy quickly took over and showered the baby with kisses, snuggles and love. GranFran got to feed the little one and Lily spent the rest of the afternoon in Grandma's arms. We played fetch with the doggies, sang music with Jayney and saw the horses.
My mom had such high hopes that Lily would instantly take to the big furry creatures. Poor Miss Lily was quite overwhelmed at first and firmly convinced that they most likely would eat her.
She didn't scream or cry, but was much happier when they were at a distance instead of right in her face.
Wednesday was a wonderfully full day complete with a massage for this tired Mommy! In the morning, Lily discovered how fun it would be to feed Oreo and Skittles' Cheerios. They were in heaven and Lily was so giggly.
Grandma Feddy then gave the munchkin a big treat. Lemon Meringue Pie for breakfast, mmmmmm. We headed down to Denver to meet with Aunt Jayne for a massage, A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! Afterwards we stopped for lunch and Jayney snuggled with Lily Grace.
She slept and slept, so precious. The afternoon was busy with making hummingbird food and a long bathtime. Big day!
On Thursday morning, I got the awesome opportunity to ride a horse again. After a 2 year break WOW did my legs hurt.
The views were just breathtaking and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment in the mountains. Lily got to stay home with GranFran and Kemo. They played boogeyman and snuggled together.
What a good morning. We headed down to Conifer that afternoon because Feddy wanted to show off "her baby" (yes, Grandma has taken ownership and Lily just loves her) at the Dental Group. While Mom had her meeting, Lily and I got the wonderful privilege of going on a date with Dad/Kemo.
Let me tell you, I LOVE MY DADDY! So glad he gets to be Gpa Kemo! Before bed time that night Lily and Feddy watched the hummingbirds, Lily was just mesmerized!
Friday was a day at home and a wonderful one at that.
We played with the horses all morning (many wonderful horse pictures to come), sat by the pond, looked at some flowers and rode the TRACTOR! Lily got all of the ranching experiences. Kemo was in his working garb, but took some time out of his busyness to show Lily the big orange machine.
Lily was so cute, not overly excited, but not fussy either. I think she was just glad Mommy had a good hold on her! She finished the evening snuggling with GranFran.
All of us girls got to enjoy tea on Saturday! We all got dressed up and headed down to meet Beth, Jayne and Jessi. Lily looked so cute complete with baby curl (complements of Feddy).
Her little dress was so cute and she was the hit of the morning. I just love all of these ladies and couldn't imagine what my life would be like without them. That afternoon when we weren't napping we were enjoying more horses. My cousin Derek's little girls came up to visit and just loved being with baby Lily. Not going to lie, this picture made me a little nervous, but Feddy did have a good hold on her.
Our last day was Sunday and we headed to church. My parents go to the church that I grew up in and it was so fun to see Lily in my old stomping grounds.
That evening we all got to have a family BBQ and Chase, Derek, Beth, Jessi, Tom and Jayne all came over. It was such a wonderful time to reconnect and get all caught up.
Lily was somewhat overwhelmed, but was such a good sport.
Later that night Lily got some snuggles from GranFran while showing everybody what she learned over the week from Grandma Feddy.
"Lily, how big are you?"