Monday, January 6, 2025

Flat Iron-A Doozy Everytime

So we have decided to take on the challenge of Grand Canyon with Lily this year.  She has wanted to see the river and explore the Canyon a bit so when a group of endurance buddies and their kids made a plan to go.....we hopped on board.  

So now its time to train in all of our spare time!

Lily loves Flat Iron, and man, this hike does not disappoint!  It is such a doozy from step one.

But of course, she makes it because, shes amazing and comes from powerhouses on both sides.  The Grand Canyon has nothing on her.

Its also fun to meet random friends on the mountain who are amazed that your 14 year old is crushing it so hard.

 Even if that 14 year old was more than ready to be back at the car when we were done!

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