Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Let it Snow

It is January 1, the start of a New Year.  So much possibility and so much hope exists at number 1.  Even though I woke up with a painful foot (cast is off.....no progress.....more later), I am reminding myself of one thing, NOWHERE TO GO BUT UP!!!

Our holidays were FANTASTIC for my family and bitter sweet for me.  This year Memaw was ready to teach the girls how to ski!  I remember growing up on the slopes of Colorado and I was SO excited for them this year.  Although I was unable to participate, I didn't want them to miss the opportunity so on Christmas Eve we introduced our girls to Sunrise Ski Resort and by golly, they learned to ski!

Fun fact about Sunrise.  My Mom and her family grew up on that mountain.  They were Ski Patrol for much of her teenage years.  How cool that our girls get to learn on the same mountain that Mom has so many ties too.  It really was cool.  Evie took to it like a pro.  She and Memaw were all smiles working on pies, turns, stops, and bent knees.  Evie has no fear, and she LOVED it all.  In fact she was off the bunny hill and onto the big hills by the end of the day.

Lily was a bit more hesitant, but she and Bob worked together to learn the turns and the stopping. Lily's caution won out for the first couple of runs, and we had to convince her that she could do it.  She is an amazing athlete, but she is also a risk averse lady.  Its gonna save her SO many broken bones.........that her sister is gonna get.

Both girls did AMAZING on the slopes and I spent my day in the lodge, reading, working, and wishing I was making the memory with them.  I kept telling myself that when I am able to ski the girls are going to be awesome and confident.  We can go down the big hills together.

Christmas was restful and quiet. We slept in, made breakfast, ate candy, opened presents, played games, and watched movies.....ALL DAY LONG.  It was great. I'm trying to embrace the sedentary life right now and Christmas was a lovely day.  How rich we truly are. Santa brought Evie a new scooter and Lily the whole set of Magic Treehouse.  Magic. Memaw and Papa got the girls an entire new wardrobe and Adventures in Odyssey series, and Grandma and Grandpa Hill got the girls new bibles, new gymnastics outfits, and jammies.

On our last day in the mountains, we all woke up to SNOW!!! The girls were ecstatic and couldn't wait to go out in it.  This is there own version of the Polar Bear challenge.  

Bob took them sledding and then we made Christmas cookies.  So much fun to be had by all.

Just before we left to head down the mountain, the girls and Ellie had one final hoorah in the snow.  They played, and threw snow, and ate snow.  

We brought 1 very tired puppy home.  

When we got home, we had more gifts to open and my snow bunnies tranformed into summer mermaids lickity split. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Longmire!

Only in Arizona can you spend one day in a foot of snow and the next day swimming as a mermaid in the local heated pool.  These girls, their life is sweet.

Our holidays were lovely and yet I am anxious to move forward.  I am excited for 2019 and pray beyond all hope that next Christmas I am on the slopes and in the pool with my family!

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