Wednesday, May 23, 2018


No, I didn't just swear at you and then write a bunch of letters. This lovely blog post is yet another installment in the long and arduous series that I sometimes contribute to about the health journey I am on.  Guys, this has been a roller coaster.  This has been an up and down, deep deep digging fight that is challenging me in more than a few ways.  Never underestimate the power of your health.

So lets see.....I think last time I talked about this I was arguably feeling like I had found my solutions.  I was working with Dawn on my diet, eating a ton of protein, eggs, greek yogurt, good carbs, and working in the gym 3-4 days a week. I was also using Progesterone, digestive enzymes and an adrenal support.  I was feeling on the right path.

 But here is the truth.  I wasn't. I wasn't trimming down, visibly changing my body, or truly feeling amazing even with the strong attention to diet and consistent work in the gym. When you run 4 days a week, train in the gym 3-4 days a week, and take yoga 2-3 times a week AND you are intentional about your diet, you SHOULD see changes! Right?  Not me.  Yes, I was feeling stronger....I was, but the nagging misery of gut issues including bloating, gas, cravings, constipation, and diarrhea (yep....still had it all) plagued me constantly.  I kept on keeping on feeling that through will power, the power of positive thinking, and the want to feel strong and lean I was going to get there. I was taking progesterone, I was taking my supplements, I was working.....why? Why was this still a struggle.

6 weeks ago I made the aggressive decision to switch Doctors to another functional medicine Doctor.  The same one who helped Evie.  After a year of working with my other Doc it was a big switch, but one I felt I needed to make. I needed a fresh face.

4 weeks ago I went to see Dr.Jessie. So frustrated, and after listening to my long story she recommended some BIG things:
  • Stop trying to cut out foods until we know based on an IGG blood test what your body doesn't like
  • Stop the Progesterone......issues are in your gut, and the gut participates in other words Progesterone my be helping alleviate some of the symptoms.....but its not solving stuff. 
  • Test for the MTHFR mutation - a genetic mutation.....really fascinating.....all about detoxifying 
  • Get blood work done....a LOT
  • A Stool Test......this was the BEST thing I ever did for myself. 
So I did all of the above and then I had to wait.  I had to stop everything for the testing and that is an abrupt change.  Last month was hard, but for the first time in a while I felt on the right path.  Maybe just maybe.......

I finally got all of the results and was astounded.  I have a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), I have 2 mutations of the MTHFR gene, and because of all of this I don't process fats and carbs well at all (my cholesterol is extremely low even with my high fat diet!).  My Doc described SIBO as "too many cooks in the kitchen."  Gut bacteria is vital, and controls so much of our body's health, too much gut bacteria from an inability to detoxify, antibiotics, stress, irritable foods etc....and you have a bacteria problem...You have SIBO!

Added onto all of this was the IGG test.  Based on my blood, my body is not happy with eggs, dairy, gluten, and baker's yeast.  EGGS guys.........I have lived off eggs for the past several years.  They are currently the most irritable food for my gut!

As for that MTHFR gene, I am still working on trying to understand all that it does.   In a nutshell, the MTHFR gene is a critical genetic function that impacts everything from digestion, to nutrient absorption and on and on. Not only do I have 1 mutation, but 2 forms of the mutation.  This is HUGE.  Much of my struggles have come from a genetic level and THERE IS HOPE! The mutation does not allow my body to convert Folic Acid to its usable form Folate.  Folate is majorly important for our bodies (Mommas remember docs telling us to take a prenatal with folic acid?). So when I ingest folic acid my body works at about a 20% efficiency converting it to folate.  Trouble when you are demanding such high effort from your body physically and ingesting foods that are harder to digest.  It all comes together to wreak havoc, and I finally have some direction!  Hip, Hip, HOORAY! is looking a whole lot different as I embrace a more vegan lifestyle, more yoga, less intensity, and more peace.  This is a new chapter in this health journey, and I am hopeful that I have finally found the right direction. I am determined to find my solutions and discover the best way to live, eat, and exercise to feel and be my best happy self!


  1. I am SO happy to read this blog post!! I'm all for you finding what works for YOU, as every body is different and a blanket solution, even if it may look like a healthy option, can't fix or aid a problem like an intolerance!

    Loved the post, truely! Thank you for taking the time for yourself in writing it!

    Molly Vigil

    1. Molly, I love you dear, and am so thankful to have reconnected with you a bit last weekend! YES, you are so right and I can tell you absolutely NEVER stop on your journey to feeling good. Everybody is different, and you SHOULD feel amazing! Hugs to you and yours!

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