Okay, so when it comes to doughnuts, I am not an overly big fan. That being said, when Grace and Sebron asked if we wanted to do the Krispy Kreme Challenge, we didn't even think twice. Running and doughnuts? What a combo. Every year NCSU puts on the Challenge: 5 miles, 12 doughnuts, 2400 calories, 1 hour. Yep, you run to the Krispy Kreme Store 2.5 miles away, slam a dozen doughnuts, show them an empty box and run back (uphill I might add) the 2.5 miles. Many call it crazy, many call it stupid, we just laughed and though, "why ever not?" Of course, we are no longer college kids with iron stomachs (except Sebron-he's crazy) so we ran as casual runners. Basically we run down, get our box, run back and enjoy all of our doughnuts over the next couple of days. Yeah, we weren't THAT crazy.
The race is kind of an "anything goes" race so the little ones got to come and represent the MILA Milers too. Before the 7700 runners started towards the Krispy goodness, we introduced the littles to the NCSU Wolfpack mascots.
They weren't really sure what to think, they kept Mr. and Mrs. Wolf in their sights at all time and were very happy to stay in their Momma's arms. In order to avoid being trampled or have to elbow an encroaching doughnut obsessed runner, we headed to the back of the pack and waited for the start.
Grace, Bob, Lily, Jancsi and I all stayed together amid the sea of running eaters. We passed all sorts of crazy costumes and interesting runners.
Once we got to the Krispy Kreme store, there was an endless supply of tables with doughnut boxes on them and a literal mountain of empty boxes where the challengers had already come, ate and left. UNREAL!
We grabbed our boxes and pulled off to the side of the road to give our little ones a taste of doughnuts and to enjoy one ourselves. Only One! Let me just say, Lily and Jancsi are BIG fans of the doughnuts. Yum, yum, yum.
We tucked the rest of our dozen into our joggers and headed back to the start.
We finished the journey in under 55 minutes with no vomiting or hurling plus doughnuts for later. We definitely went casual. To give some perspective, the winner, ran the entire thing, ate all of the doughnuts and finished the race in 28 minutes. That's Amazing!
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