At least I have been able to do a little movin' and shakin' with Miss Lily. She is slowly getting more excited about the prospect of walking and we have begun doing laps around the house.
She really is a strong willed little girl and just doesn't want to do what she doesn't want to do. Why walk when you can crawl everywhere?? Makes perfect sense to Miss Lily. I am really in no rush, I know that once she figures it out, hold on tight, cause we are going to be in constant motion!
Lily had a play date yesterday with her good friend Lilian. Lilian is walking moving and practically 14 months going on a teenager. I think that it was motivation for Lily to walk while we were there.
It was just plain safer standing than sitting, much to Lily's chagrin. While the slides hold much fascination for her and she enjoys going down them, the swings are absolutely her favorite most fun thing to do at the playground. She sat in this swing for 15 of the 30 minutes we were there. This girlie likes to swing.
We also spent some dreaded time in the sandbox which was, to Lily, far to dirty and sandy for her to enjoy. She kept her hands and feet clear at all times. This was increasingly difficult too because there was a little boy who kept dumping sand near her, oh the horror!
We just discovered tooth number 5! FINALLY. These teeth are taking forever and creating a rather fussy little lady. Her little nose is constantly running and she desperately tries to chew on anything. Of course anything does NOT include chew toys or teething helpers, no, no, no, anything includes Mom's shoulder, a shirt, the couch, her blanket, a finger, a cord or really anything that isn't "designated" as such.
(Miss Lily as a two fisted muffin eater sittin' pretty on the floor)
Lily has just loved having her Daddy home over the past week. Bob and I take turns waking up early with the baby. I cannot believe that I have slept past 7:30AM 4 times.. Simply Delightful! We have been doing a lot of swimming and we even got to take the Jessups! It took a little time for the babies to warm up to the pool, but once they did it was so much fun to watch them splash about.
Lily was busy, busy, busy either kicking, splashing, squealing or desperately trying to convince me that she could do it herself. The little booger kept holding onto the side and pulling herself out of the water. What a determined kiddo!
What a cute little swimsuit she's got!