There are exciting things happening this summer too. The three of us are moving out of our apartment and into a house next month. It is very exciting because we are going to be sharing the home with our dear friends Grace and Sebron. The Lord has really orchestrated this "communal living" situation and we are blessed to be able to live out what Paul talks about in Acts 2. Of course, this means that we now have to move again so our apartment is back in boxes and I am once again feeling unsettled.
It is times like these that the only thing to do is trust in the Lord and rest in the moment, but it is these times that make it so much more challenging. Sometimes it feels like contentment is one of my biggest lessons to learn. It is kind of like when you pray for patience and the Lord gives you opportunities to wait. Well, that is the same way it has been working with me and contentment. I have prayed for the ability to live in the moment and the Lord has provided me continuous opportunities to do just that.
Lily has been such a special part of my life lately. I just couldn't imagine having life without her. The other day, I was packing some boxes and had the packing paper on the floor. Even though I put her across the room, she managed to get all the way over to the paper.
It provided nearly a half an hour of joy and she was just too cute to watch her entertain herself.
Her personality comes out more and more everyday. Recently we have learned that our little girl is a bit fearful. She is absolutely terrified of the vacuum cleaner. No kidding. And this isn't like she just looks worried and reaches for Mommy. No, this is full fledged shaking and tears while desperately clinging to Mom for fear of being eaten. It is just so funny to watch her have such a crazy reaction to the vacuum. I keep telling her that if this is the way she is going to get out of vacuuming in the future it isn't going to work. I can see it now, my child will be in therapy because I made her vacuum.
Rocky has taken a whole new place in her little life and she just LOVES him. When we go running in the morning, Rocky gets super excited as we are walking out the door. Lily just squirms and giggles watching him. It is absolutely adorable and I love witnessing it. She has absolutely no fear of him, in fact, she will roll right over to him and practically underneath him. The other day she rolled over to his face and started grabbing at his nose. Rocky is such a good sport about it all. He seems to know that Lily is important and his job is to tolerate her antics. He has also discovered that she is like an open snack bar too.
Whenever we feed Lily we always put a few cheerios on her tray. She is working on feeding herself, but at the moment her favorite game is to play "move them from my tray to the floor." Rocky loves it!
The IPAD has become a very cool part of her life as well. That and cellphones. What is it with babies and cellphones? Toy phones just don't hold their attention span like the real ones do! We have a game on the IPAD called peek-a-boo animals and she is figuring out that when she touches the box the animals pop out.
Between the colors, sounds and motion she stays thoroughly mesmerized. She is also beginning to think about sitting up. Of course, it is still very wobbly and she is really much happier on her stomach or her back. Her changing table is one of her favorite places to sit up these days because she can play with the diapers and all of the fun items that I have in her little baskets.
Peek-a-boo has become one of her favorite pastimes, however, it is not me covering up my face that makes her laugh. I give her a blanket and she covers her own face. It is adorable and she will play this game all day. It is so cute too because sometimes I will step out of the room only to peer back at her and find her playing the game with herself. She puts the blanket over her face and then lays on the floor and shakes. Then she grabs the blanket and pulls it off of her face. Such a simple joy and it makes her so happy.
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